Emea Champs 1
Na Champs 0
Emea Masters 1
Na Masters 2
So pretty much 2-2
nah doesn't work like that, if you say after GMB winning Masters, telling peoplpe NA and EU is equal, ppl wil laugh at your face
they are only as good as their last tournament.
and also by your logic: SEN is as good as GMB since they both won only 1 Masters??
keep downvoting me lmao and don't reply. you logic is flawed and you know it, keep downvoting me won't change it. If you are man enough, explain why you downvote instead of clicking downvote like redditors lmao
yeah everyone was garbage and they were the best among them, you are supposed to compare people with that era. You don't see people say SK major win don't count because it is pre Astralis CSGO where the utility usage of everyone is garbage? Or Pele was garbage and never really good since the level of play for football was so bad back then?
are you acting stupid or what? Sentinels werent the best among them. They were just updated to the latest metas and abusing tenz no brain all aim tatic to get kills every round. And to answer your question, literally yes. Ask most brazillians and they will say SK wasnt that good because they were playing against teams that didnt even have strats, and pele was literally playing against fucking soldiers, actual workers and shit lmfao. That doenst make SK/pele totally bad but If they played today at their prime im sure they wouldnt even come close to being legends in their respective sports
well beyond banter EMEA is better then NA but the difference is only by a slight margin as the NA scene is doing now in the early development in Valorant. Also champion is more important then Masters but teams still try at masters as much as they would in champions so the effort is still there in terms of national matches qualities cause its not like teams can even hide strats for Champions cause of how fast the meta changes.
TLDR:EMEA>NA by a short margin well for now