XIA WON 13-7 they blatantly showed us that games are scripted KEKW
rito caught in 4k
Nah it's probably recorded/stream delay so the players don't streamsnipe, since if i remember after guard won in the comms youtube video they said "don't tweet don't tweet" but idk
30 min delay? lmfao
Well yeah? https://youtu.be/N_DDxFB1RmM look at the ending
Some NA pros saying that the delay only 6mins. Or maybe max 10 minutes wtf
Ah oke
If it were 30 minutes, I would've been able to pull the results
Script exposed LULW
PogU XIA to masters
isnt it 1-1 after?
yeah i know, just joking :)
Script changed/not followed mid game D: