Yeah both HK and TW would benefit a lot if China finally arrives. At least in terms of competitiveness, even though they wouldn't have as many direct spots to qualify for international tournaments as they have right now. But I think it's better for them in the long term.
probably something to do with naming/categorization? league was referred to as master series, but here its specifically mentioning hong kong/taiwan which isnt a good way to put it
yes, but youre underestimating the fact that tencent owns riot, who in itself has relations to the government so riot really does not want to upset both parties
I don't know about gov or something like that.
But as my understanding, usually gov wouldn't meddling / putting too much politic into eSports.
eSports don't bring much benefits to gov, but one wrong handling could make a big bad reputation as eSports has so many fanbase.
hhmm tbh i dont think they can play valo too much can they? like im pretty sure they just arent allowed
prolly suck they will ig cause they dont have too much playtime compared to others
LOL is dominated by LCK and then china bozo lmao china won last worlds lol EU has never won worlds in 2011 but it was with no CN and KR and NA is just as bad
heres some orgs that are rumored/known to play btw :)
also, FPX is confirmed to have a Chinese team for valorant (FPX.ZQ) but its unknown whether theyll continue their EU division once China gets the full greenlight
so in the future there will be no more stupid one country region like KR/JP directly to master, pretty sure they’ll have to play in APAC NORTH PLAYOFF first