Lets be honest, If JhoW had not used that cam, would ACE made it to quarterfinals? Would they lost in group stage? Who would be the current winner team of Champions?
you are idiot, you need to remember that it is 4v5 with this jhow bot on team. everyone can carry weight except for this guy, so he need to use cheat. he is like leaf and xeppaa without cheat
Yes they still would, VK wins against Acend, Envy wins against X10, VK vs Envy, Envy wins and classify, Acend classifies on the lower bracket, F X10.
But the current winner would be Gambit imo.
no, he is bot. without cam he make matches 4v5. this guy need to be removed asap from team and replace him with good player. if it was typical 5v5 then we win