hi guys uhh now that ur here uhh idk i had something planned but i forgot but i dont want to waste the chance so uhh hmm
hey lol :3
Would you rather ugly girl or cute femboy. You must choose.
i mean both are awful and id prefer my beautiful wife but ill go with cute femboy ngl
i think itd be easier to turn the cute femboy into a girl than to turn the ugly girl into cute
I see I see very understandable answer
agreed a little estrogen goes a long way
you seem knowledgeable on the topic
i’m not but my dms are open if you know a guy
heh... hey
konichiwa shawty
Vouch this guy has a hot voice.
vouch this guy saved me from a burning building
no one has ever told me that but appreciate it nyanyan 💋 (not nihso)
shoulda talked more in the pod 😘
28 posts in 2 years this guy might be real
i >.<
this question is so easy
I know some would still go for the femboy even if the girl was cute too
ooooo decisions decisions
would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games, or unlimited games but no games
unlimited bacon but no games.
i'd choose unlimited bacon but no games over unlimited bacon but no games any day