started going start of 2024, injured my shoulder stopped for 6 months started going again 2-3 months ago
weight 75kg
bench pb - 65x4 incline
lots of protein lots of carbs, try stay a little above ur maintenance
keep ur rep ranges at 4-6, making sure after each set u have like 2 reps left in the tank and on ur last set try push it out - i saw a huge change once i went from normal 8-12 reps to 4-6,
after 10 months of consistent conditioning you may need to add more volume into ur workout, try hitting each muscle group 2 times a week
i do push pull legs push pull rest rest
creatine is good just have it consistently, dont need to do a loading phase just take 3-5grams every day forever and you'll start to notice some tings in 20-40 days - if you cant eat enough sneak in a protein shake as a snack inbetween meals
there is no such thing as anabolic window, eat before you workout so you have energy, eat after u workout so ur body can have more energy for the day or if gyming at night, have a portein shake and go to sleep :3