How close do you guys sit to the monitor? I've been trying to get used to sitting at an arms length but i feel like I play way worse when i do tbh. I would like to be Elige but I am forced to be Yekindar
If you sit far and you play good then never think about it, but I think for me personally I just saw some CS pros back in the day sitting close and assumed it had some merit and nowadays i'm just too used to it to feel comfortable sitting far. I do try though and i have been getting better w it
honestly its just preference, i think farther away is a better choice in terms of comfortability and calmness. but being close to the monitor is def better for focusing up and performing.
One and a half arms length away is how I do it. Straight back, straight neck. The key to maintaining your posture is to make sure that you don't start shrimping out while gaming.
Isnt playing straight uncomfortable for you? I lean forward a little bit, I feel like I am way more focused and reactive that way, also applies in other games but valorant being a game where you need to be fast I feel it a lot more
Keyboard a few cms away from the edge of the table and the monitor stand a few cms away from the top of my keyboard, basically not too close like some people in cs used to play but close enough that I can see everything clearly