will you watch that shit or nah?
by the first look, format is kinda skewed ngl
I dont even care about the blood money stuff, the fact that it's an off season mickey event means no for me.
i'd probably only watch the highlights or grand finals tbh
12 matches in one day in a 16 man tournament is absurd.
yeah it's kinda rushed
in between the vct season is rough tho
If it’s at an actual time I’m up yeah but time zones might be wack
Maybe a couple of the good matches people pick out after the fact, but certainly not live unless my favorite teams do exceptionally well (not happening lol)
I will prob watch anyways, for sure watch if there are BR teams
I will watch it live! Buying a ticket already
if it was being co streamed by vlr users, I'd watch it
I wanna hear some Hades commentary lmao
Ill do what I did with league last year, see who won, glaze them a bit (faker the goat etc etc) and forget about it till the next year.
I dont care enough to watch it unless someone shares me some insane clips