Who will be the first to win 13 rounds combined?
furries for the win MEOWWWWW
Really, shrike?
avg NRG fan
flairless, opinions disregarded
NRG fans being twink furries with no testosterone is not an opinion
Neither of them will get more than 13 rounds throughout the entire season combined. If they play each other it won't be broadcast becuase nobody wants to see that
mibr 2024 was way worse and they beat G2 c9 and EG that year
yall dont realize how close pros are to eachother lmfao
unrelated but how do you manage to post 4000 times in half a year. yes i agree MIBR def better this year
i work from home and study if im not working or with friends so whenever i want a break i just troll online
unfortunately there must be a winner but thankfully there will be a loser