inspired by a discord debate with a certain jordanian with bad opinions
what do we think chat
never let bro cook again ahh list
Gkmc is his best album imo (hot take ik). I would take FEEL or Sing about me over Keisha’s song
gkmc is his best album by far #truthnuke
ball knower
Money trees over fear
Keisha's song over alright
No sing about me?
Yeah nice try 6/8 ig you out some effort
thought about it more money trees is better than maad city tbh it’s 1
0/8 I have no enemies I can't be rage baited on a valorant esports forum
i’m so dead serious
swimming pools has to be up there
it’s up there but not top 5 unfortunately
Hm: all the stars, Wesley’s theory, A.D.H.D
decent list pride tv off and swimming pools are lwk overplayed tho
samidot, wesley's theory, duckworth, the art of peer pressure, and fear are mine
mortal man heart pt 5 samidot hood politics i
Mines probably like XXX Money Trees Wesley's Theory Untitled 6 Father Time Good Kid U Sing about me Hey now