Bang - Viper
Johnqt - sova
zekken - kayo
n4rrate - jett
zellsis - kj
Kaplan trying this comp spotting in scrims vs nrg
bang and john are okay
zekken should stay on jett since I've seen some improvements compared to last year, seeing him on kayo is kinda weird (dont come up with your shit that he played init before, it's been two years)
It's been a while since I've seen N4RRATE on duelist so yeah idk
Zellsis on KJ is fine but zellsis > zekken on kayo
I respect them for trying out stuff but please dont make another deadlock situation and make changes when you're about to shit the bed
i really believe that zellsis not shooting is fine as long as he’s on flex/flash initiator but they keep putting him on fucking sentinel while john shits himself on scan initiator and n4rrate is in breach jail and it just doesn’t make sense to me
like john playing sova and having less fragging impact is also fine as long as they make up for it in the sentinel role but instead the vibes/util/ass shaking merchant is playing vyse on half the maps and getting shit on (except for when he diffed aspas that was funny)