My hot take on PRX Fix :
G2 recently used a Teho/Breach comp, combining aggression with strong info plays. PRX can use this with Waylay which helps them with both map control and info.
Roster Adjustments:
Jinggg → Let him play Raze/Neon/Waylay agents that fit his aggressive style. My one hot take is put him on Chamber I could be over cooking , but Chamber is literally the perfect sentinal for PRX IMO. It just somewhat fits their style, you have trip for info and u have tp for aggressive fights. U even have guns for gun fights, why not use chamber?? Chamber is good rn with his current TP Buffs. Even G2 were abusing chamber.
Something → No change; his Jett is top-tier.
Forsaken → Can play Yoru on specific maps. If he plays Yoru, they could sub in Patman for initiator support and remove Jingg/Something depending on map comps.
David & Mindfreak → Keep them as they are; they’ve been solid.