Would it have been better if Zellsis called Zekken a moron or idiot instead?
im saying that in a few years "disabled" will be considered "offensive",u people who word police and think ur fighting for some grand societal cause are literally like npcs stuck on a loop,a old word for the same thing isnt considered offensive because the new word that was made to replace the original offensive word is now the offensive word this shit is just too funny lol
can u ask them if are they ok with people using words like moron or idiot,if yes then truthfully tell them they were previously words to describe mental disability too so remember every time u or someone else uses words like imbecile,moron,idiot,cretin they are actually using ex medical terms for people with mental challenges turned in to a derogatory terms for describing stupidity,do u see how nobody cares about the "history" of those words because society can move on and shift the meaning and connotation of words so it slowly loses its original meaning thats how language works
there is no "current connotation" retard means stupid or dumb and thats the connotation that people think when they use the word,how do u think the words change because people USE them in a different way,retard DOES not exclusively mean a person with disabilities it also means someone who has low intelligence words have many connotations depending on the context,do u not see how stupid this topic is when people will always think of new words and use them in different ways and then they get a "negative meaning" and the cycle just goes on pls worry about something else
I agree with this idea and while we are on the topic, I propose we should also look at other cases in Valorant and move towards more friendly alternatives. Here are some of my thoughts:
Kill -> Defeat ("Kill" or "Killing" has too much of a negative connotation when used and it may offend peole who have died before. Terms like 3k, 4k should also obviously be avoied as well.)
Plant the spike -> Place the spike (Planting the spike can lead to uncomfortable moments as it can be linked with terroristic activities, the explosion should be removed and will instead award the win when the timer runs out.)
Attacking Side -> Red Side (The term 'attack' can come off as too aggressive, Defending side should also be changed to Blue side for balance.)
Also, we can't be having guns in the game anymore as there's too much gun violence and it may upset some viewers. Teams will instead compete by having a friendly discussion between eachother, afterwards the win is awarded to both teams as we can't have a losing team which can make the players and its fans quite distressed, as such, every team competing will be awarded the 1st place trophy at VCT Masters and Champions.