As it stands with NZR out can we expect artzin to go back to IGLing?
Artzin (flashes/flex [IGL]) Sacy (Recon) Aspas (duelist) Xenom (smokes) Cortezia (sentinel/viper)
the roster should look like this too no?
Why do yall think sacy is coming back
idk just the signed tweet look I could be wrong but if I was sacy and MIBR came knocking I would come out of retirement too ngl
he for sure signed to loud or mibr for content / watch partying
Sacy is defiantly being signed but he could content creator
he probably just signed with another bookmaker
sacy is not coming back is 100% verno
Verno is duoing with aspas and xenom in ranked
Sacy said he’s not coming back so recon is probably verno.