ability preds not winner preds lol
are we having an edit battle rn?
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | April 13, 2022 |
Last post: | March 1, 2025 at 10:18 PM |
Posts: | 95 |
ability preds not winner preds lol
are we having an edit battle rn?
Now that everyone clicked, let's hear everyone's predictions for the agents abilities and if anyone gets it correct, I'll send you a Val gift card
Gonna go to both Toronto finals and Paris finals. Don't wanna miss the ticket purchase releases. Anyone know where I can see when they release or something I can have notifications on so I don't miss the release date? thx
In the nicest way possible, I think if they do, people will complain about the agents hitbox lol
someone give me some context pls im so confused what all this is
VLR doesn't realize he does half the midrounding and stuff too lol
I mean if I got free flights and a free booth with free food and drinks I'd prob go too regardless
Bro is tilted that girls are better than him at valorant LOL
new to anime, loved death note, currently watching solo leveling and loving that too. any recs of animes i might like based on my love for death note? trying to get more into it cuz my friend gave me his crunchyroll. also have tried watching aot and monster, but stopped watching both after like 7 episodes. pls recommend thx
i could be bias for me but i fr also think sen is top 3 at the tournament. Kaplan and Gunter are grinders and will stay awake for 48 hours straight if it means having a good anti strat to win
agreed. super excited to watch all the games, unfortunately gonna have to watch vods though lol
Genuinely no bias what is your top 5 at masters? Seems like a stacked tournament that honestly anyone can win imo, but need other opinions cuz i only watch americas and like 3 emea games
honestly think leaf might be playing like the best player itw
asspiss please dont piss on us please just have 1 off day
bang has been pretty good i think. n4rrate is def in a slump rn tho
bro is still mad LOL. you were the easiest of them all
oh no you caught me red handed!
Jonah, Leaf, Trent. All of you guys are actually ugly asf irl no way you guys are spraying bodies when you look so bad people wanna throw up from your presence LOL. Btw, where are your trophies?
Edit : VLR Rage baiting is actually freelo LOL
yea if leaf was FNS' age. This is disrespectful to leaf the way he's playing rn
Anyone know any good websites to learn coding? I am currently a CS student struggling a little bit in some of my classes. Haven't coded in java in years, but taking a java lvl 2 course this semester. I am also taking a C course and trying to get ahead of the course with pointers and stuff. thanks
I mean i can't blame him. Making millions to sit at home doing whatever you want and just playing games all day. It's a dream no?
Non apac watcher here, I was pretty sure T1 were really good, just curious, who else is on their level? (Haven't watched a single apac game or highlights)
is it visa issues or something else for why he isn't playing?
Where is their fifth? I mean vakk is doing super well i feel like if they make Bangkok or get close, he might lose his spot no?
You kidding? He's gonna use your Icebox book to absolutely dominate
Bro thinks companies still respond to everyone lol. Time is money bro. I applied to a company a year ago who JUST replied no like 2 weeks ago. It's the hard reality, not every company will respond within a timely manner because it's not worth it to them. Also, sorry to say but it looks like you GPT'd 90% of your documents lol. Keep trying though, all this advice in this thread good, keep working at it and one day you may get your shot.
Got a coding project due on Tuesday, honestly don't know how to code for my life. Should I drink this amazing coffee and start it after the match or should I just go to bed and do it tomorrow
Where are Bren and Sideshow? I haven't seen them once in Americas since the season started and I thought FOR SURE they'd be casting this banger match but no. Did I miss something?
Furia got 7 rounds on yall and you still think you have a chance to make even 1 lan this year LOL keep dreaming
I love mini as a coach, or analyzing on youtube or something, but is it just me that thinks he's SUPER boring as a caster? I understand he's there for analytical purposes, but even Steel was much better to listen to from a viewer's perspective. I miss PanPoc :(
All of you guys are trippin fr. Let's be honest, FNS works his best magic when he has film to watch and anti-strat and prep. When the C9 game came, he had no film, so they lost. Now he has film for everyone so his calling is going to be IMMACULATE. NRG going to Bangkok for sure; calling it now. This all coming from a Sen fan btw.
Sliggy is fire if you're looking for a more analytical watch party rather than a purely entertaining one like Tarik
I feel like watching on complete mute is much worse than listening to the others cast no?
buddy been posting non stop for 4 hours. flair check
Stop saying this pause is unfair or they shouldn't restart. If you aren't blind or dumb, you could clearly see that 100T stopped their strat 2 seconds into the round and were just talking to the refs. stfu trash kids
buddy's gotta be special... You know the refs are in the team calls right?
Death Note was my first and only anime that I've ever finished. I loved the intelligence, the cat and mouse game, the mind games played, the tension, etc. Any recs of anime's I should watch if I loved Death Note? I've tried AOT, Monster, JJK, etc. Didn't like any of them tbh (AOT might need a second chance from me from what I've heard). Ty in advanced.