he probably just signed with another bookmaker
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | February 9, 2024 |
Last post: | March 7, 2025 at 7:34 AM |
Posts: | 93 |
i don't think so, he's VERY good friends with nzr and it's their second attempt at playing together (which went wrong again, lol)
aspas was playing duo with Verno, must be true
dg na frente do zekken e jawgemo NUNCA na historia
he's really been playing very well this year
but I don't know, I still think he's not that aimer
no way a team w melser and adverso is better aimer than mibr
i hate saadhak, but he's not far behind boostio and boaster
just behind the GOAT fns
tuyz é horrendo, horrible, terrible, affreux, orribile, schrecklich, 恐ろしい , 可怕, مرعب , ужасный
Deus me livre
the funny part is FNS has beef with Brazil/brazilians since CS lmao
you would be surprised by the amount of scrims that furia wins and has won, even from mega favorite teams
they are like scrim demons lmao
this in previous years too
I was betting on TH to win, I even bet on them on my pikems, but DAMN
I just saw they NEVER beat vitality omg
saadhak doesnt deserve to play w aspas again
fortunately my GOAT got rid of this selfish n washed
pior q ela é mt fraquinha msm, sempre foi
nunca teve o nível das outras
uma pena
he's probably still getting used to role changing
besides being new to tier 1, in a new country
I guess it's okay that he's not breaking them all
foi azar nosso msm, era p round ter parado qnd os manos da 100t ficaram reclamando
único erro foi deixar o round voltar todo
mas n é andar, é tomar dano, essa é a regra da riot
vamo ser sincero rapaziada, os manos da 100t caíram antes de alguém tomar dano, era obvio que o round ia voltar, foi o certo e o justo, vamo ser honesto e sem choro
sacy and pancada champs 2022
yes and they lost 4 times to them too (3 in a row). I really like TL, it's my favorite team of all in Valorant, but this year they trolled a lot, they were unrecognizable on the server
Dude, I don't like Srn either, but you spread a ton of misinformation about her. There is no controversy here in Brazil about her not being a real NB, just transphobic people giving hate. Srn has always been non binary on the scene, even before appearing on GC, she always played ranked being NB, her Twitter was always about her being NB. She is actually bisexual and that has nothing to do with dating women or not, non binary is not about that. Regarding gender dysphoria, NB people are not WOMEN, so there is no reason for her to want to have a more feminine appearance, at most an androgynous appearance, which she tries to have kinda of. So, let's try not to like her because of her personal attitudes, like her swearing at women in ranked and the disrespect in game against ZETA, for example.
idk, they were very inconsistent this year, but I believe they would have crushed emea teams, would have doubts about xipto
Definitely Aspas, he came from being banned in CS:GO, then appeared in Valorant doing his insane plays, with the ENTIRE community, with even sacy doing live analyzing his screen and calling him a cheater to the best player on the planet. Guy went from the most hated player in Brazilian rankeds to the favorite player of the majority of the community. INSANE LORE
ou seja, o cenário é QUEBRADO e tá basicamente dando a entender que é um campeonato meio feminino sim, até porque homens trans tbm fazem parte de um gênero marginalizado. Parabéns pra Riot
I SWEAR TO GOD I didn't make this post out of "bandwagon" I REALLY don't think Jamppi is a good player in this TV project
only 1 tier below derke? I may have exaggerated by calling him ASS, but that's already a high level of delusional
WHO SAID I don't watch Valorant? Who said I didn't watch liquid games? He just doesn't deserve to be in a project possibly as promising as this one from Vitality.
jamppi is so ASS
why this guy continue to have a chance on GOOD teams in tier 1? with the rumor of less at vitality I was expecting a good project with good players, but when I saw him being speculated....
imagine being "terrible" and still be the greatest player of the game, imagine
vinny nisso ai é TAO MEME kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tem pelo menos uns 8 igls melhores no brasil e no mercado
i would NEVER watch a KC game for FUCKING saadhak