it can only be mean mindfreak isnt the replacement for estrella, but i i think estrella is really leaving cause i dont see him in scrim with rrq. so maybe rrq promote a player from their academy?
Emg sebenernya klo mau bagus ya ambil Valdyn yang masih LFT main di tim komunitas jadi gaperlu beli kontrak dari tim lain kek si kush CMIIW, atau ngga re-sign Lmemore balik ke roster utama.. Tp klo RRQ gamau pusing ya paling gampang memang promote player academy sih paling klo ga Splash ya Woody.
Yo guys, aint no way they sign Kushy for igling this team bro, they sign Kushy coz they need the firepower, they gonna sign some SEA IGL maybe from ex-DSG or Korean IGL