Omen and Harbor are two different agents with two completely different playstyles. I get your perspective but once you learn how to play Harbor decently well, he not only becomes fun to play but also one of the most versatile agents in the game, since his abilities can do things that other controllers can't when it comes to very specific on-the-fly situations.
Yes, he's not a very good agent right now. Yes, Omen is a better option on a lot of maps. But the biggest reason you're not finding good Harbors in your games is because he has a much higher skill floor than most other controllers (e.g. Omen) and as a result is generally harder to pick up. This doesn't mean he can't find as much value; it simply means his "range of possibilities" needs to be discovered by the player before he gets that value. Simply put: if your Harbor is good at his agent, then he will find value, and he'll probably have fun playing him; and if he's not, he won't know what he's doing nor enjoy doing it.
Do with that what you will 👍