here is a list of NA players the Bronzillian community would approve to have on their teams
Jawgemo Bdog Oxy Eeiu JohnQt Zekken Rossy Stellar Som Zellsis (Personal pick)
Bdog the Brazilian GOAT 🐐
Zellsis fk no
where ma watch seller zombs at
on the brazillian killlist its on sight for him, if he steps foot on so much as bolivia we cappin him
where is my goat FNS?
Thoughts the br community has on verno
Brazilian teams speaking in english never worked .
by the second game he will be a personal hero to most i can assure that
still under review
zombs where
zellsis is divisive because hes kind of obnoxious but hes besties with sacy so i agree
also tex had a good run in 2023 when he was duoing with aspas until he randomly shit talked less
good times
Personally never had any opinion on Tex, never even heard of him badmouthing less, and considering the whole Sacy/less drama I'm not surprised Tex talked shit on less
it was on a joke tone but the community took it seriously as always
where jakee
ADD C0m and TEX