Riot devs come

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Stop releasing new agents.

there is a constant flood of new agents to the pool-which in of itself is not a bad thing. However, there is so many problems, fixes, and reworks needed in valorant that spending time creating/adding new agents takes away from. Instead of adding a new agent every couple months-use the time to rework maps, gamemodes, and other quality of life feautures.

Take time reworking maps-there are so many maps that need reworks and taking them out and tweaking 1 or 2 things does not help, most of the time the problems still remain-or in some casses get worse (look at the most recent reworks for Icebox and Breeze for example).

Work on your gamemodes-one of the most fun parts of Valorant is the other gamemodes added. The last gamemode Team Deathmatch was a an amazing addition and probably the mode I play the most of-but it was realesed almost 2 years ago now. The only new changes since the realese of TDM have been map and agent realeses/reworks. Many casual people in the community love other gamemodes that have gotten snubed-such as replication which was a favorite until it was taken out more than 2 years ago. There are many reworks and changes that would make the player base play more of your game.

Make Quality of Life changes-there are so many issues in Valorant that are constantly overlooked in favour of realesing the next 'big thing'. Shooting while stunned is way too acurate, shotguns and run n gun are way to accurate, certain abilities are way to overpowered while others are severly underpowered. When is the replay system coming out? you have been talking about it since the game realese and we havent even gotten a beta for it. Atp just say you arent going to realese it instead of teasing us with it for the last 5 years. VP prices are way too high-you get away with realsing overpriced skins at quadruple the price of other games because the players who buy it are idiots who waste their money. The fact that the only way to get skins for any gun/weapon than pistols are irl money is stupid-yes better skins should cost money, but the fact that no skins even the worst of the worst need to be bought at lowest price of $15 usd is a problem.

and finally the biggest issue

the only reason why people play comp is to rank up. There is no reward for winning besides a rank indicator stating you are a certain rank. What is the point of playing if you get no reward-and I do mean no reward. You dont get any skins or vp or anything besides a gun buddy (which every rank gets) for being a higher rank. Maybe give out VP as a reward for higher ranks, or a old skin or smth-either way there needs to be a reward for players to play your game.

TLDR: Riot stop focusing on realesing new content and focus on fixing the game that you currently have out


Then the casuals complain there's no new content or something I fully agree with you the game that is currently out is good enough the people that actually like this game probably don't care if an agent takes a year to come out as long as fixes occur


I feel like this politic of releasing more and more agents will just once fuck the balance up entirely and create a briggite overwatch situation


listen if there are any actual riot devs i would love a buddy (trying to find a dev in swifplay has driven me clinically insane)



Future of Valorant: Agents picks and bans select. "Countering agents will be part of meta".

Riot copied Dota and CS. Valorant will definitely copy League.

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