What are some really small changes that valorant could make that are non controversial but would make the game better? Here are some idea I’ve had:
- duos have no say in the remake. If you have a duo and they go ask, you auto vote yes
- no remakes in imm+ lobbies (cuz how often it’s abused)
- DM settings (ie: only deal damage if it’s a headshot, don’t show leaderboard or combat report, etc)
- lower rr penalty for loss if teamate afk for 12+ rounds
- language queue*
- Favorited buddy/skin combos (so when you put on cycle you don’t get a random vandal with a random buddy, you’ll get a specific package)
- Delay how long until a new agent can be played in comp after it comes out
Okay now that I wrote all these down some don’t seem that small😭but what are some idea u guys have