Do you think there's any reason apart from Jinggg and smth glaze that PRX hasnt made a roster change? cuz surely prx knows they need to change their roster to keep up with meta
Bro I don't think roster changes are always a solution. The team looks insane when they play good and they look horrible on bad days. If a team is consistent enough to win regional and go internationals, why make roster changes? Plus all the fans really love PRX playstyle.
I genuinely do not care if PRX wins or loses , I always love watching them play wonky comps and making plays out of em. Its just super fun to watch them play aggressively.
They are all besties cuz they have been together for so long other than something (even he's been part of the team for 2+ years). It would feel weird for them to play for another team or have someone else on their team permanently for a year or two. Also, their placements have been good other than this kickoff. They were literally the number 1 apac team for years until Gen G slapped their asses and finished what they couldn't