last time i felt this down was like last week when i got super homesick and ate half a tub of ice cream
i think im gonna eat pizza pie today what sides should i get
It's only a matter of time before G2 win now, and you should know that the most, imo this is the best this roster's looked so it really is only a matter of time. Just this time in particular, T1 had just as much to prove with trophies hiding from BuZz and Stax for the LONGEST time now.
They'll bounce back soon
im in new york
the jets and giants are terrible and buffalo are bigger chokers than g2
my bail out team was the packers and ive watched them lose about every nfc championship for 4 years straight
yankees got embarrased in the world series
knicks are gonna have a good regular season then get bounced in either the 2nd round or ecf
i decide to be a g2/tgrd fan 3 years ago and all i get out of it is an ascension win