Just met a cheater and a troll so I finally uninstalled the game. Can you give me a game recommendation, preferably free but anything below $50 is also fine.
the thing is fortnite has became like a platform, you have games for different tastes. It's good to try different things sometime. Maybe not all games are that good (Ballistic could've been a good option but was implemented like absolute shit, horrendous), but at least you have variety to choose.
I started playing casually when ZB came out, and surprisingly i still play now and then like 1-2 times a week just for chill.
idk I mostly play the games epic gives for free or steam sales
League of legends
if you have friends the forest series is nice
phasmaphobia is pretty cheap
im having a ton a fun on world war z rn with friends
dying light is great
my favourite story game oat is mad father
assasins creed unity is on sale too
ground branch is sick too
some free games ive played are
police academy
and i dont remember the rest