Smoke kills, spamming, waiting 50 seconds doing nothing, then beg on their knees to the lord above to let jawegemo to win them the rounds
Not to mention the god and saviour aspas is not present to put these dogs down
Truly a shame…
kru trophy:
kru can only dream about trophies
Sen lost to lulquid bro 😭😭
at least sen made it. no one even knows what a kru is
kru in bangkok where?
teoemil thread detected, 0/8 administered
this guy is mad about a children's game kkkkkkkkkkk
what a shame
aww don't cry
g2 flair is shameless
go back to your original flair
TeoEmil bro, you make it really hard to support KRÜ sometimes.
I still fw with pink guys because they goated but stfu pretty please.
Bitch I don’t even like kru
2/8 had me until aspas
cry is free