Did the drop the ball dropping verno? Verno, Aspas,Cortezia is lowkey stacked shooters I hope fns last year doesnt turn out to become a nighmare
i dont think NRG's problem was firepower in the first place but lack of aggression.
Verno has comm'ed more with Aspas (In ranked) than his whole NRG career.
comming in tense situation of match is different
I don't think so saying "Oh yeah daddy is gonna help bro. Beside that if NRG gives full comms vod he will be exposed.
I wish Chet was the coach so he would leak the Verno comms to us all on stream 😩
Team cohesion is way more important than firepower
yeah i agree win win for both i guess but from organization pov they wont consider it as wise decision if mibr actually performs better and qualify for toronto(they were 3rd in kickoff with nzr going -20 every game)
Mibr Verno perma tejo (like free1ng) we get NA free1ng before GTA 6