Does anyone feel like she overhypes some moments when they actually aren't?
nothing wrong with that
Def not , but is a boring glaze
nah that be that other guys name that starts with an A. i forgot his name
Achillios or smth like that
Achillios is hype and might have the best voice for casting out of the bunch, I could picture him casting for wrestling
Ummm yeah but its not a big problem its actually more enjoyale to watch mid matches with her on mic
I mean you could add humor to it rather than just hyping in first half of the first map no? And this is not a mid match
the g2 glaze was genuinely uncomfortable to listen to like bro they aint gonna give you a pay raise just pipe down
can all of us protest for Conky and Komodo to cast Tier 1 VCT games? Casting is pretty garbage
Pansy think she can tap jawgemo fat dih but jawgemo fat ah belly hides his dih
lil phoebe wannabe