VLR Frag Count

Threaded Linear

I have this useless database of vlr posts (well, all 4172874 posts last updated before Jan 20, 2025, 2:30 AM PST), so heres a count of every frag # and their occurrence

if u want any other info lmk ill just query this db lol

Frag Count & Their Occurrences:
-1331 | 1
-1001 | 1
-650 | 1
-569 | 1
-552 | 1
-540 | 1
-528 | 1
-461 | 1
-430 | 1
-407 | 1
-377 | 1
-328 | 1
-321 | 1
-320 | 1
-317 | 2
-311 | 1
-309 | 1
-306 | 1
-293 | 1
-284 | 1
-277 | 1
-275 | 1
-271 | 1
-266 | 1
-260 | 1
-259 | 1
-257 | 1
-251 | 1
-246 | 1
-245 | 1
-243 | 1
-242 | 1
-237 | 1
-236 | 1
-234 | 1
-228 | 1
-227 | 1
-224 | 1
-223 | 2
-214 | 1
-209 | 1
-204 | 1
-202 | 1
-201 | 2
-200 | 1
-199 | 1
-198 | 1
-197 | 1
-193 | 1
-189 | 1
-187 | 2
-184 | 2
-180 | 2
-178 | 3
-177 | 1
-175 | 2
-174 | 2
-173 | 1
-172 | 1
-170 | 1
-168 | 3
-167 | 1
-166 | 2
-165 | 3
-163 | 1
-162 | 2
-159 | 1
-158 | 1
-157 | 1
-156 | 2
-155 | 1
-154 | 2
-152 | 1
-151 | 1
-150 | 1
-148 | 2
-146 | 2
-144 | 2
-143 | 1
-141 | 2
-140 | 2
-139 | 1
-138 | 1
-137 | 1
-136 | 4
-135 | 1
-134 | 1
-133 | 4
-132 | 5
-131 | 2
-130 | 1
-129 | 3
-128 | 3
-127 | 4
-126 | 4
-125 | 2
-124 | 3
-123 | 3
-122 | 5
-121 | 5
-120 | 2
-119 | 2
-118 | 8
-117 | 1
-116 | 2
-115 | 5
-114 | 3
-113 | 3
-112 | 1
-111 | 8
-110 | 2
-109 | 4
-108 | 5
-107 | 2
-106 | 7
-105 | 5
-104 | 2
-103 | 2
-102 | 8
-101 | 8
-100 | 6
-99 | 1
-98 | 7
-97 | 5
-96 | 6
-95 | 3
-94 | 3
-93 | 5
-92 | 8
-91 | 5
-90 | 8
-89 | 6
-88 | 6
-87 | 6
-86 | 6
-85 | 12
-84 | 6
-83 | 6
-82 | 12
-81 | 12
-80 | 8
-79 | 7
-78 | 12
-77 | 12
-76 | 12
-75 | 9
-74 | 14
-73 | 11
-72 | 6
-71 | 13
-70 | 15
-69 | 16
-68 | 15
-67 | 17
-66 | 22
-65 | 15
-64 | 23
-63 | 30
-62 | 25
-61 | 18
-60 | 25
-59 | 29
-58 | 27
-57 | 28
-56 | 21
-55 | 27
-54 | 34
-53 | 30
-52 | 41
-51 | 40
-50 | 50
-49 | 35
-48 | 47
-47 | 54
-46 | 51
-45 | 54
-44 | 67
-43 | 81
-42 | 70
-41 | 83
-40 | 92
-39 | 100
-38 | 94
-37 | 113
-36 | 130
-35 | 122
-34 | 154
-33 | 172
-32 | 190
-31 | 208
-30 | 240
-29 | 235
-28 | 255
-27 | 335
-26 | 334
-25 | 389
-24 | 416
-23 | 525
-22 | 569
-21 | 693
-20 | 766
-19 | 883
-18 | 1086
-17 | 1161
-16 | 1524
-15 | 1765
-14 | 2139
-13 | 2599
-12 | 3332
-11 | 4073
-10 | 5243
-9 | 6645
-8 | 9160
-7 | 12153
-6 | 16849
-5 | 23972
-4 | 34973
-3 | 54898
-2 | 92252
-1 | 192190
0 | 2279853
1 | 582448
2 | 267708
3 | 164694
4 | 105099
5 | 71899
6 | 50447
7 | 36711
8 | 27009
9 | 20077
10 | 14262
11 | 11956
12 | 9441
13 | 7454
14 | 6139
15 | 5358
16 | 4430
17 | 3758
18 | 3222
19 | 2647
20 | 2284
21 | 2145
22 | 1834
23 | 1569
24 | 1385
25 | 1206
26 | 1038
27 | 1007
28 | 889
29 | 759
30 | 725
31 | 701
32 | 593
33 | 546
34 | 492
35 | 440
36 | 403
37 | 359
38 | 313
39 | 269
40 | 277
41 | 272
42 | 262
43 | 241
44 | 178
45 | 178
46 | 183
47 | 171
48 | 165
49 | 130
50 | 145
51 | 125
52 | 126
53 | 103
54 | 99
55 | 100
56 | 93
57 | 82
58 | 77
59 | 64
60 | 76
61 | 69
62 | 62
63 | 47
64 | 54
65 | 48
66 | 57
67 | 39
68 | 51
69 | 50
70 | 40
71 | 47
72 | 32
73 | 36
74 | 41
75 | 40
76 | 26
77 | 28
78 | 36
79 | 29
80 | 28
81 | 23
82 | 28
83 | 25
84 | 15
85 | 28
86 | 22
87 | 17
88 | 21
89 | 14
90 | 14
91 | 17
92 | 15
93 | 17
94 | 15
95 | 13
96 | 18
97 | 14
98 | 9
99 | 4
100 | 11
101 | 8
102 | 12
103 | 18
104 | 10
105 | 6
106 | 12
107 | 4
108 | 8
109 | 3
110 | 15
111 | 9
112 | 4
113 | 2
114 | 5
115 | 5
116 | 6
117 | 6
118 | 5
119 | 3
120 | 1
121 | 7
122 | 4
123 | 9
124 | 3
125 | 5
126 | 2
127 | 3
128 | 6
129 | 1
130 | 2
131 | 3
132 | 5
133 | 6
134 | 2
135 | 6
136 | 4
137 | 4
138 | 1
139 | 1
140 | 1
141 | 2
142 | 5
143 | 4
144 | 3
145 | 6
146 | 4
147 | 5
148 | 4
149 | 1
151 | 3
152 | 4
154 | 1
155 | 3
157 | 3
158 | 1
159 | 1
160 | 4
161 | 1
162 | 2
163 | 2
164 | 1
165 | 3
167 | 2
168 | 1
170 | 1
172 | 4
173 | 3
174 | 2
175 | 1
176 | 1
177 | 1
178 | 2
179 | 3
180 | 1
181 | 3
184 | 3
187 | 1
190 | 1
192 | 2
196 | 1
198 | 1
200 | 2
201 | 1
205 | 4
208 | 2
209 | 1
210 | 1
212 | 1
213 | 1
214 | 1
218 | 1
219 | 1
221 | 1
225 | 1
229 | 1
231 | 1
232 | 2
235 | 1
236 | 1
237 | 1
238 | 2
240 | 1
241 | 1
243 | 1
246 | 1
249 | 1
262 | 1
264 | 2
274 | 1
280 | 1
286 | 1
294 | 1
306 | 1
308 | 1
327 | 1
349 | 1
355 | 1
362 | 1
366 | 1
373 | 1
380 | 1
425 | 1
445 | 1
458 | 1
534 | 1
896 | 1
1127 | 1
1904 | 1


get a job


i do have a job bum

i didnt sit there and count each one


own that fraud


there are that many vlr posts?


more now cause i stop scraping on jan 20


what tools did you use for scraping ??




Thanks man for the trouble....


Hahah not a lot of trouble, don’t worry


how the FUCK do you do this

go work for valorants statistics team or smth


the site is open to the public so i just had a web scraper crawl the whole website

honestly very simple stuff if you put your mind to it


this is correct. web scrapers can be easily implemented in js/python very easy using open source libraries and two brain cells figuring out how html and urls work


yeppp u use scrapy or wha?


extremely late reply, but i first used cheerio (js) and moved into using selenium (py) as i find it a lot more intutive to use.
been out of the web scraping game for a while as my coding is more focused on CV, ML, or DS, and may have to look into scrapy some more


oh maybe im just not that experienced of a coder to know lol

but still yukky the goat frfr


This is why yukky is the goat can you make scraper that counts everytime someone said femboy


since jan 20

its been said 1735 times

Femboy Mentions Leaderboard:
Kirya | 154
bronzil_enjoyer | 64
alecksdesk | 49
LyCan52 | 40
ilovefrozenblueberries | 39
Conut | 34
nihso | 33
number1_cned_hater | 27
danii1 | 25
nobody_100 | 23
n1cf | 23
femboyenjoyer | 23
Psion | 22
AstroGalaxy | 21
widepeepofrosty | 20
queueK | 19
ilovefrozencranberries | 18
Obelisk | 17
Bluez | 15
yukky | 13
butterdog_dogwithdabutter | 12
boilin_cockroach | 12
MeloSquids | 12
Kirako | 12
Karmine_Org_WhispeR | 12
yaiima0 | 11
nutab1e | 11
hanafuuji | 11
FDWC- | 11
laeDLaer | 10
cioccolat | 9
arin2016 | 9
MuZe | 9
CanadaMan | 9
ALoKi007 | 9
kalayav_n | 8
dezzo | 8
DownLoad_AimLabs | 8
CoCloudy | 8
lielahh | 7
idkbro | 7
botfragger432 | 7
Sk00d | 7
Realm3098 | 7
Poge | 7
s0ber | 6
reremus | 6
kfan4238173 | 6
goofyahh1447 | 6
benmaimoon | 6
ash_knuckles | 6
Zerphyr1 | 6
Yessirskiiii | 6
Tryeue2 | 6
PakiJudge | 6
Itsover | 6
H3ENnZ | 6
DuD5K1S | 6
Denjisideals | 6
0fcuZ | 6
zidmz | 5
sp0rtsman | 5
number2_cNed_fan | 5
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 5
ionlyHave1Zuni | 5
idkmanwth | 5
c4rrotstix | 5
altsright | 5
TheHardStuckImmortal | 5
Sir_Johnny123 | 5
SAMPV6 | 5
Mca | 5
Manaphy | 5
K4ziuHa | 5
Hades_LovesRb | 5
DrudaL | 5
BabyWizard | 5
yawnster | 4
xD1LL4N | 4
| 4
koromast | 4
frappzlul | 4
chloeburbank | 4
cboomer | 4
amedy | 4
UkieVAL | 4
SunnyFromVLR | 4
Simp4S0m | 4
Sanax | 4
Phanification | 4
Orangepanda | 4
Nisham | 4
Liem | 4
Klaw69 | 4
KClaw | 4
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 4
CalypsoGHC | 4
Bluelive | 4
Ailed | 4
valorant_player | 3
unknown_trash | 3
titanwithpp | 3
terribletyranny | 3
spookmeister | 3
sideshowsbaldhead | 3
saebr | 3
s0apy | 3
number_1_Ego_fan | 3
michaelisupset | 3
masterX | 3
lxolotl | 3
johnqtgoat | 3
jawn | 3
i_ammako | 3
gold2peak | 3
geometrix | 3
gamergirl | 3
condsicc | 3
cloudberry | 3
canyon | 3
bensaasema | 3
| 3
abyss369 | 3
Vyantic | 3
Redred | 3
Prancer | 3
Nlhso | 3
Nef0r0 | 3
NebularCarina | 3
Liwus | 3
LilUziSkrr | 3
Kaust | 3
Jinxypoo | 3
IonlywatchvcjXD | 3
IceRapt0r1 | 3
Froggy00 | 3
FireDJVA | 3
Enro321 | 3
Elso | 3
Dhrom49 | 3
DSGFan | 3
Cromawarrior48 | 3
Convoy | 3
ButterflyEffect23 | 3
B1itz | 3
Answering | 3
Anoymouse | 3
Aayan | 3
zhongZHI | 2
valulrantefanboy | 2
| 2
south_america_best_region | 2
sm1th0o | 2
saynotoherpes | 2
randomperson | 2
proud_bandwagoners | 2
naiarb | 2
moatz | 2
luckypleb | 2
localkoolkid | 2
lil-freaky | 2
leboi | 2
kuruk | 2
kapteN | 2
jonny05 | 2
iframedeez | 2
froggylol | 2
envyz | 2
elysxxm | 2
dort | 2
chsnvictr | 2
burritx | 2
benjy | 2
barooni | 2
babysasuke | 2
anyth1ng | 2
andrewdamf | 2
| 2
acels | 2
nakuwul | 2
ZestNumber1Fan | 2
Zastio | 2
Yory | 2
XtraChrxs | 2
Vegaaa | 2
Ultime | 2
Ullyr | 2
TrialRunnr | 2
| 2
TooCaution_Heartless | 2
TinglyPiano | 2
Teemoonduty | 2
TakoSaki | 2
Serath | 2
Prasinos | 2
Pengu12 | 2
OnyX_01 | 2
OkOkay | 2
MneMaloMaloMaloTebya | 2
Laundry | 2
Klexy | 2
Katharize | 2
Hyssopus1 | 2
Hynix | 2
Harapan845 | 2
FireII | 2
Diebs | 2
Demon0 | 2
Cresp | 2
CarnageBTC | 2
Cannot | 2
Brimstan | 2
Bald_man | 2
Asvka | 2
Anguibok | 2
AlmartAn | 2
Adrik | 2
AR1AN | 2
333triplethreat | 2
31Raven | 2
1243 | 2
zombzino | 1
zappp | 1
z12 | 1
yoyoyo8382 | 1
yapp3r33 | 1
xineFso | 1
| 1
wokeux | 1
wkeyspectre | 1
welikefortniteandvalorant | 1
wafters | 1
w1ngman | 1
voxsu | 1
vollizie | 1
vispri | 1
valcygnus | 1
uwukitten | 1
ufc | 1
tyforfreesiteENZO | 1
turkey | 1
torbjorn | 1
thenutoriousPRO | 1
snakebite | 1
sm0ke3 | 1
skibiditoiletfanhuge | 1
siniota | 1
silver5 | 1
shrubonfire | 1
sheahhhh | 1
shaggyboy1030 | 1
seankukuz | 1
seankukux | 1
scarlemange | 1
sanknight | 1
rtg9000 | 1
ronaldinhoooooooooooo | 1
redesign | 1
raka | 1
raiki | 1
propulsion | 1
p3eek | 1
p0tsuz | 1
oiiink | 1
nuthoneycheerios | 1
number1_ScreaM_fan | 1
night9ine | 1
mrGoudas | 1
milflover92 | 1
meanie | 1
makoidk | 1
makesung | 1
luminescience | 1
loudsimp | 1
logarythmic | 1
lelouch526 | 1
justachillguy | 1
juraf | 1
joemama228 | 1
jaynewton | 1
jasonWong | 1
james_reece | 1
jackb2016 | 1
ilovejett | 1
i11matic | 1
hunkkz | 1
humble_y0y_10k | 1
homosapiens_nohomotho | 1
hekzy | 1
heavensentsaint | 1
hanafuji | 1
gurmate | 1
grenji | 1
greenshep | 1
geospliced | 1
gakno | 1
gablin | 1
fnaticENJOYER | 1
fmadwerdna | 1
finnwithtwons | 1
feelsbadboaster | 1
fatpoipoiiii | 1
eszett | 1
en3sk0se | 1
egg80085 | 1
egann | 1
drownnt | 1
drewxa | 1
doomvor | 1
dococtavius | 1
cuddleslut | 1
ctabust | 1
cristiadu | 1
crayon | 1
composthe | 1
cobalt21312 | 1
chrlxz | 1
cataboo | 1
catNmouse | 1
cartixuzi | 1
cCyan | 1
bobkiller | 1
| 1
bilim | 1
bfrparker | 1
beaver_man | 1
babushkaboii95 | 1
aylez | 1
ax0788 | 1
askrial | 1
asdfgh | 1
appleju1ce | 1
| 1
acels2 | 1
aaa420 | 1
Esdeath | 1
Zephyros | 1
Zeah | 1
Zaba | 1
Yistyy | 1
YeaUrMum | 1
WinterZ20 | 1
Window | 1
WhoseTao | 1
Waking_W | 1
VxpxFX | 1
Vortax | 1
VoiD03 | 1
Vianx11 | 1
Vesprit | 1
Vasudev | 1
Vaibhav | 1
V0sotros | 1
UsmanSy3d | 1
User011098 | 1
Tomczi | 1
TheAqif | 1
TheAceGamer30 | 1
Tanmayyy | 1
Tacitus | 1
TSChedZ | 1
TM06Nick | 1
Subreezy | 1
Styling911 | 1
StrafingGoatWoweeClap | 1
| 1
Soddalele | 1
SnorlaxEnjoyer | 1
SnooTangerines | 1
SmartPerson | 1
SlimShadyNick | 1
ShaoFeng | 1
SeanCombs | 1
Schneefeuer11 | 1
Schneefeuer1 | 1
Schizophrenic_Brazil_Fan | 1
Sandy_05 | 1
Saiki_taha | 1
SEN_brasileiros | 1
Ryszafiell | 1
Rugsssssss | 1
Roguearz | 1
Rainyy | 1
Qwertyy | 1
Qwerttyy | 1
Pooh | 1
Poloolpp | 1
Perma | 1
Penqu1N | 1
PRXRoach | 1
OvoMexido | 1
OrangeKatsu | 1
OoscaMc | 1
Okoretro | 1
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan | 1
Nullangel | 1
NoOne_ButMe | 1
NekoSugarGirls17 | 1
MurphyOW | 1
MudKiko | 1
MrRaptor | 1
MrBulbe | 1
MrBlooBloom | 1
Monsteiur | 1
MichaelMouse | 1
Melloaw | 1
Magma124223 | 1
Lekatakurikomane | 1
Kxtqqh | 1
KlystroN | 1
Klick1108 | 1
Kep1er22b | 1
KenZera7 | 1
Kei8 | 1
Kaitou | 1
Just_some_loser | 1
JimmyNguyenGlazer | 1
Jigabigale | 1
ItzKefi | 1
Im_Justice | 1
IDK_You | 1
IChr0na | 1
Huitzilopochtli | 1
Hidden_Name | 1
HenBabyH | 1
HavocWEEB | 1
HasosP | 1
HardStuckGold | 1
HaSanity | 1
Gutssz | 1
GreyDaze | 1
GodAwfulGod | 1
GhostNexus | 1
GalaxyBarz | 1
Galactc | 1
GENZAMAN1235 | 1
G2thelion | 1
Foxtrot_101 | 1
FlyingDoggoWoweeCIap7 | 1
Fire737 | 1
Er3ngenes1s | 1
Dertyser | 1
Demon1_The_GOAT | 1
Dem0ncc | 1
DeluluGavin | 1
DarkraH | 1
Danfra | 1
Cu55Ku55___ | 1
Coures | 1
ComradeVonAustria | 1
Clucker | 1
Chunkio | 1
Choconaniyay | 1
Camille | 1
CactusPlant | 1
BrotherMan | 1
Botroretro | 1
Ballsamolee | 1
BairyHalls | 1
BLJY | 1
Average_VCT_fan | 1
Average_NA_fan | 1
Atkiin | 1
Asuna_Yuuki | 1
Anzaldinho | 1
An_dH | 1
AlexSMTx | 1
Adi69LassiSeller | 1
AdhesiveLizard | 1
AcidXD | 1
APAC_jimmy | 1
AKIRA1988 | 1
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao | 1
2bored | 1
1phnxe | 1
1clouds | 1


Dam Kirya the goat fr 😤🎀

Can’t believe cloudberry only at 3 tho
Edit: how tf is femboy enjoyer only at 23???


im at 2
im sooooo safe


Yukky is undisputed greatest of all time all tongues must confess


can u do any word




do more


welll idk tell me more words


DO sen


it has been said by 8996 people and idk where to upload it cause it cant fit here and pastebin wont let me upload it cause someone in that list has an offensive username


isn't there any other way?
maybe you could remove the offensive name


whos like the top 10


idk what else


0/8 top 250

Total '0/8' Mentions: 7249
Unique Users Who Said '0/8': 1824

sentinelmain377 | 95
Matrix13e | 79
TheAceGamer30 | 79
acels | 71
Azzelastia | 70
catNmouse | 57
hiyo | 56
meyournightmare | 54
toofan1 | 54
andrewdamf | 52
Zerphyr1 | 51
acels2 | 49
CalypsoGHC | 48
yaiima0 | 44
Arisqq | 41
titanwithpp | 40
K4ziuHa | 37
sdgdfdrgdrfgdrgdrfttdhy | 37
Perma | 36
Kirya | 34
FDWC- | 34
WinterZ | 33
Fluffyy | 33
nutab1e | 32
kfan4238173 | 31
PrTsty | 30
number1_ScreaM_fan | 30
ciro | 30
moatz | 29
sideshowsbaldhead | 29
dexter000111 | 28
Neon74 | 27
pugboy | 27
LouBag | 26
MilanTheMyth | 26
Dhrom49 | 26
bronzil_enjoyer | 26
widepeepofrosty | 25
YeaUrMum | 24
babysasuke | 24
deathlyclaws | 24
LyCan52 | 23
laeDLaer | 23
BulkyLettuce | 23
Chirby | 22
danii1 | 22
Qwertyy | 22
Asphyxia | 21
WinterZ20 | 21
EntryKJ | 21
ButterflyEffect23 | 21
geometrix | 20
aylez | 20
GiancioZ | 20
Liem | 20
ShadowisBAD | 20
gutszeraa | 19
feelsbadboaster | 19
SuperRoss | 19
Jezy | 19
AhsanX | 19
burritx | 18
Syr0m | 18
DownLoad_AimLabs | 18
CanadaMan | 18
RickyIndian | 17
6vine | 17
Stratum7 | 17
DIEM | 17
jblancard | 17
The_Cleg | 17
Convoy | 17
n1zf | 17
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao | 17
nobody___100 | 17
RedChilli7 | 16
paul1778 | 16
hanafuji | 16
brobeans | 16
trikecycle | 16
minte | 15
chloeburbank | 15
caut1on | 15
Tanmayyy | 15
patuj | 15
Infernando10 | 15
Manaphy | 15
UvuvwevwevweOnyetenyevwe | 15
nihso | 15
oiiink | 15
Froggy0_0 | 15
Denjisideals | 15
Taruuu1 | 15
turkey | 14
PicKaRuu | 14
number1_MIBRhater | 14
Subreezy | 14
Cheasle2 | 14
bonkashi | 14
| 14
Gutssz | 14
en3sk0se | 14
Er3ngenes1s | 14
TM06Nick | 14
Clucker | 14
Smartest_Fan | 14
GLN321 | 13
asdfghjkl | 13
MerkFreeks | 13
queueK | 13
h9zard | 13
Dybala21 | 13
emirerays | 13
Terrain | 13
AltonBu02 | 13
cobalt21312 | 13
valorant_player | 13
number2_cNed_fan | 13
Hades_Loves_Rb | 13
delusional_sentinelsfan1 | 13
| 12
frappzlul | 12
TSM_Shreyash | 12
Shownu | 12
edtheking12 | 12
PP12123213123 | 12
yoyoyo_8382 | 12
Hexa_22 | 12
Notbaka | 12
dort | 12
ok_1_2_3 | 12
bobwoblob | 12
Tokyo777 | 12
Celesthial | 11
sweetdreams11 | 11
sad_gambit_fan | 11
Domination | 11
RG | 11
deadpark | 11
Mrityunjay | 11
wkeyspectre | 11
OkOkay | 11
kaesra | 11
GreyDaze | 11
luckypleb | 11
DeluluGavin | 11
egann | 11
Styling911 | 10
elayaCL | 10
LocoMonteiro | 10
1mBor3d | 10
ItsMeDio | 10
BackoxyXD | 10
Danny | 10
Okoretro | 10
Itsover | 10
Vianx11 | 10
yawnster | 10
zahin1018 | 10
Ballsamolee | 10
ascention | 10
Hobbit | 10
NG1nS | 9
HackNaija | 9
OzyMeister | 9
Mjtchell | 9
idkbro | 9
Astar | 9
Gomes255 | 9
xD1LL4N | 9
CherryCoke | 9
Ullyr | 9
plas | 9
33AJ | 9
Verstepping33 | 9
unknown_trash | 9
jawn | 9
333triplethreat | 9
Simp4S0m | 9
davmg | 9
Thriceistoocold | 9
abhaudk | 9
destroylonely | 9
Orangepanda | 9
ishowmeat | 9
ct_fd_str | 9
Prancer | 9
number_1_zombsfan | 9
Demise | 8
gweees | 8
jeet24 | 8
Heyheyehyehyehyrhyr | 8
asdfval | 8
FireII | 8
kbkdark | 8
r0z | 8
| 8
brdreamer | 8
Uxind | 8
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan | 8
JustEnjoying | 8
KrithikHarshith | 8
Daniveus | 8
eszett | 8
NneonZz | 8
vollizie | 8
TrialRunnr | 8
Hard2Decipher | 8
BairyHalls | 8
espeon | 8
LimiNaL | 8
cboomer | 8
Sir_Johnny123 | 8
flanador | 8
VxpxFX | 8
sanknight | 8
Neeraj | 8
1243 | 7
SilentNight | 7
orqn | 7
Elso | 7
jackb2016 | 7
number_1_bjor_fan | 7
Kuuga | 7
Rabbiit | 7
BenitaT0ry | 7
FoechiGG | 7
fourlvalorant | 7
since_beta | 7
61Hiko | 7
shockyyyy | 7
thanatos11 | 7
Sk00d | 7
hekzy | 7
Delusional_SkRossi_Stan | 7
Vampli | 7
matarab16 | 7
Never_Wrong | 7
EU_quiet | 7
horse69 | 7
Supervegito007 | 7
koromast | 7
Eldy | 7
arin2016 | 7
juho | 7
ValdemieGC | 7


asuna top 250

Total 'asuna' Mentions: 14025
Unique Users Who Said 'asuna': 3013

TheAceGamer30 | 216
dexter000111 | 214
thenutoriousPRO | 213
MeloSquids | 145
PrTsty | 131
asunasBWCinmymouth | 107
spookmeister | 96
Fat_Lard | 90
Mjtchell | 89
cboomer | 89
DbBested | 84
gamr | 84
Psion | 80
Pengu12 | 79
333triplethreat | 70
OriGinalgamerSWEAT | 67
Pumsyslayer | 67
LifeIsALie | 65
Asuna_Yuuki | 62
turkey | 61
wowzerswow | 61
V0sotros | 59
RnJn | 57
GooberBoy | 51
Asunas_Chinese_Teacher | 51
Hades_Loves_Rb | 51
LouBag | 49
Docta | 48
chloeburbank | 48
kfan4238173 | 48
romanval | 46
Shawn23 | 45
Phanification | 45
MourninggStarr | 44
moatz | 44
Ryan9500 | 43
Caliburn0723 | 43
Ullyr | 42
SaltyMcNulty | 42
BayArea | 42
Cresp | 41
Abstrac | 41
SoundStream | 41
fallwithtj | 41
Zerphyr1 | 41
valulrantefanboy | 40
CrimsonPride | 40
widepeepofrosty | 40
Fire737 | 40
hellaeleganceyeah | 39
gamergirl | 38
Gutssz | 36
Shadow_Monarch | 36
donkkomong | 36
babysasuke | 35
Deadpanmitten94 | 35
koromast | 35
EU_quiet | 34
PersonHere | 34
fardeengg | 34
CrimsonPrid3 | 34
e1s | 33
bigpeensheen | 33
noxx | 33
sad_gambit_fan | 31
NG1nS | 31
HavocWEEB | 31
andrewdamf | 30
AltonBu02 | 29
Verstepping33 | 29
RickyIndian | 29
Nachtel | 29
AstroGalaxy | 29
yukky | 29
Chovymaker | 29
GetsystheGr8 | 28
catNmouse | 28
Netero | 27
ItsMeDio | 27
BrotherMan | 27
laifu | 27
xiphon | 26
WebscaleMongo | 25
sheahhhh | 25
CorpL | 25
Wiggs | 25
SomeoneLikeU | 25
SnorlaxEnjoyer | 25
Shanty | 24
Simp4S0m | 24
ciro | 24
DSGFan | 24
nobody___100 | 24
unknown_trash | 23
nutab1e | 23
Revlo | 23
mysterii | 23
number1_cned_hater | 23
kalayav_n | 23
lorenzopajaroFC | 22
helohelo | 22
greedeetv | 22
n1cf | 22
EntryKJ | 22
cartixuzi | 22
chrlxz | 22
iehn | 21
jawn | 21
kaninv | 21
Asphyxia | 20
OkOkay | 20
DarkLNM | 20
zidmz | 20
Kiko | 20
Diebs | 20
Itsover | 20
asunalovr | 20
c4rrotstix | 20
egg80085 | 19
Subreezy | 19
sentinelmain377 | 19
PINTO0 | 19
MapleVAL | 19
michaelisupset | 19
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn | 19
Crackyoudown | 19
empty117 | 19
Kirya | 19
1king | 18
BluWasTaken | 18
Mrityunjay | 18
100TBoeJiden | 18
TwentySeven | 18
ShadowisBAD | 18
Rodu | 18
alecksdesk | 18
beaver_man | 18
delusional_sentinels_fan1 | 18
Elso | 17
juno_VLR | 17
HaSanity | 17
patuj | 17
mystbz1 | 17
JawXG | 17
Average_NA_fan | 17
GLN321 | 17
Rizvi | 16
CraigGarth01 | 16
Icysoda57 | 16
Brain_Needle482 | 16
blazennn | 16
MrCaliburn | 16
yungbasel | 16
Dolphin | 16
ritdro2211 | 16
Uncleben | 16
Jitu | 16
0fcuZ | 16
bronzil_enjoyer | 16
SimoVatrogasac | 16
cloud9bluefan | 15
Wronghand | 15
schlong | 15
Neon74 | 15
hazard25 | 15
Crypto_816 | 15
horse69 | 15
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 15
4rrowlol | 15
KyLZi | 15
blanQ | 15
number2_cNed_fan | 15
Denjisideals | 15
Ultia | 15
fourlvalorant | 14
Noyn | 14
williamm | 14
h9zard | 14
pugboy | 14
aylez | 14
ItzYaBoiNUB | 14
Flame4Game | 14
YeeeStefan | 14
stfk | 14
YeaUrMum | 14
SigmaMale | 13
ValConnoisseur | 13
peppreish | 13
Danny | 13
Tyzehhxo | 13
redding | 13
queueK | 13
doosean | 13
Corny | 13
Sprouts | 13
SilentCypher | 13
clocksky888 | 13
1juno | 13
TacoTreyKirby | 13
TinglyPiano | 13
AmanGupta12_08 | 13
Chow1E | 13
jblancard | 13
ax0788 | 13
kskm | 13
espeon | 13
nihso | 13
uwukitten | 13
ishowmeat | 13
moonemi | 13
nottoxic45 | 13
BulkyLettuce | 13
KClaw | 13
Hidden_Name | 13
1243 | 12
amyayayy | 12
gerritz | 12
pewpew | 12
raka_gg | 12
No1AsunaFannn | 12
BaboonBoy | 12
Kepin | 12
wh1spers | 12
grenji | 12
tttangent | 12
Delusional_SAfan | 12
Zephyros | 12
ranker11 | 12
Heiro | 12
| 12
jimmylwho | 12
Master_oGgway | 12
honeybuns | 12
pixh | 12
Ballsamolee | 12
Tsensei | 12
H3ENnZ | 12
Galactc | 12
Zorontom | 11
beb0p | 11
Scottyboi30 | 11
Demi | 11
BoF7ooM | 11
flu1d | 11
YvngKurry | 11


ofc its acegamer
bro is always on his dick


tenz top 250

Total 'tenz' Mentions: 57910
Unique Users Who Said 'tenz': 6243

RickyIndian | 711
SaltyMcNulty | 681
Netero | 485
noxx | 422
Pengu12 | 406
Shawn23 | 370
deathlyclaws | 342
SuperRoss | 335
nihso | 332
jawn | 329
TheAceGamer30 | 312
ciro | 310
FrenchToast | 306
ShadowisBAD | 283
valulrantefanboy | 259
no1haterbutloveyou2 | 238
BulkyLettuce | 236
michaelisupset | 227
mocaxoxo | 224
RGS_OnToP | 215
moonemi | 210
Cresp | 207
sheahhhh | 206
babysasuke | 202
envyz | 196
cboomer | 192
andrewdamf | 178
ItsMeDio | 174
kfan4238173 | 171
Rey55 | 167
Ullyr | 164
1mBor3d | 161
sentinelmain377 | 160
axetjj | 159
h9zard | 158
Hades_Loves_Rb | 154
dexter000111 | 152
xLeo | 145
yoyoyo_8382 | 145
swvyboi1 | 143
Simp4S0m | 142
catNmouse | 141
Itsover | 139
Revan | 134
delusional_sentinels_fan1 | 134
moatz | 133
pewpew | 133
bronzil_enjoyer | 132
MuZe | 128
Matrix13e | 126
Shownu | 126
jblancard | 126
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 124
Wronghand | 123
TrialRunnr | 123
donkkomong | 121
LouBag | 119
GetsystheGr8 | 118
kskm | 117
PrTsty | 116
Perma | 116
number1_ScreaM_fan | 115
AstroGalaxy | 112
H3ENnZ | 112
Fluffyy | 112
LyCan52 | 111
Froggy0_0 | 110
widepeepofrosty | 108
Tanmayyy | 108
OkOkay | 107
X20M2703 | 107
WinterZ | 106
thenutoriousPRO | 106
turkey | 104
Fire737 | 103
WhoseTao | 103
StutterSt3p | 103
EU_quiet | 102
hiyo | 101
Elso | 100
nutab1e | 100
cartixuzi | 100
Asuna_Yuuki | 99
Adi69LassiSeller | 98
kalayav_n | 97
unknown_trash | 96
Zerphyr1 | 96
Denjisideals | 96
GLN321 | 95
cobalt21312 | 95
Shadow_Monarch | 95
MilanTheMyth | 94
Basedobserver | 94
ItsHunter | 93
HuntersFury | 92
yukky | 92
andreziN | 91
Asphyxia | 89
kbkdark | 88
YeaUrMum | 88
NexusNomad | 88
Noyn | 86
Nachtel | 86
Fat_Lard | 85
UBClears | 85
notAGN | 84
titanwithpp | 84
nobody___100 | 84
BoF7ooM | 83
Charism | 82
meyournightmare | 82
h1gh_fall | 82
Mrityunjay | 81
TheAqif | 80
pugboy | 79
V0sotros | 79
kristof | 79
number2_cNed_fan | 78
VGG | 77
dort | 77
Xabrusca | 76
hanafuuji | 76
CanadaMan | 76
hellaeleganceyeah | 75
JustHunter | 74
beb0p | 74
Diebs | 73
number1_MIBR_hater | 71
tomato211222 | 71
feaN | 71
ShiroNekoX | 71
Qwertyy | 71
Stratie | 71
yaiima0 | 70
koromast | 70
danii1 | 70
trembolonaRage | 69
AltonBu02 | 69
chick | 69
Chow1E | 69
GreyDaze | 68
Dolphin | 68
Ausam | 68
SeulgiVLR | 68
Simon_Digger | 67
Mortadelo | 67
plas | 66
burritx | 65
laifu | 65
Al-Mawsil | 65
egg80085 | 64
BigTiddyMilf | 64
acels2 | 64
Giannero | 63
chloeburbank | 63
bigpeensheen | 63
hekzy | 62
zidmz | 62
Rugsssssss | 62
33AJ | 61
NG1nS | 61
symbols07 | 61
geometrix | 61
Primion | 59
number1_cned_hater | 59
Prasinos | 59
Shanty | 58
Neon74 | 57
Pixsy | 57
JustEnjoying | 57
WhatADrag | 57
ArtemisZ083 | 57
Nef0r0 | 57
Gutssz | 56
Danny | 56
PINTO0 | 56
TS_ChedZ | 55
inlucid | 55
charizard_123 | 55
capital_d_colon | 55
lorenzopajaroFC | 54
en3sk0se | 54
KClaw | 54
welikefortniteandvalorant | 53
romanval | 53
Uncleben | 53
spectre300 | 53
Mjtchell | 52
Pocket | 52
elegant | 52
cloudberry | 52
RoadRunneR | 52
wsnek | 52
Domination | 51
BrotherMan | 51
Yepsir | 51
aaannnddddd | 51
FireII | 50
horse69 | 50
n1cf | 50
OriGinalgamerSWEAT | 49
HaSanity | 49
berrys | 49
bonkashi | 49
grenji | 49
uwukitten | 49
alecksdesk | 49
| 48
100TBoeJiden | 48
kylocat | 48
Karmine_Org_WhispeR | 48
ok_1_23 | 48
shockyyyy | 47
zardinez | 47
Ashh | 47
| 47
gamr | 47
Ksgod69 | 47
Kasumi12 | 47
esney | 46
TmhariMummy | 46
tonyhart7 | 46
TinglyPiano | 46
brobeans | 46
LifeIsALie | 46
Dwighty | 46
ionlyHave1Zuni | 46
Lets_talk | 46
Orangepanda | 46
Yuh_aye | 46
greedeetv | 45
Subreezy | 45
GooberBoy | 45
Prontera | 45
Ailed | 45
Nilonesia | 45
SomeoneLikeU | 45
ZoldyK | 45
sad_gambit_fan | 44
Skyss | 44
ChowChow | 44
soraol | 44
aylez | 44
emirerays | 44
manwhat | 44
cioccolat | 44
Riizwan19xx | 44
333triplethreat | 44


bait top 250

Total 'bait' Mentions: 14140
Unique Users Who Said 'bait': 3385

CanadaMan | 158
TheAceGamer30 | 127
uwukitten | 82
ShadowisBAD | 80
babysasuke | 75
yukky | 61
Zerphyr1 | 55
nihso | 55
cobalt21312 | 54
sentinelmain377 | 52
CalypsoGHC | 52
nutab1e | 51
hiyo | 50
hanafuuji | 49
Ullyr | 48
dexter000111 | 48
Mortadelo | 48
number1_cned_hater | 48
Manaphy | 47
K4ziuHa | 46
Simp4S0m | 45
ItsMeDio | 42
koromast | 42
kfan4238173 | 42
Asphyxia | 40
yaiima0 | 40
doomvor | 40
Kirya | 39
Psion | 39
AstroGalaxy | 38
YeaUrMum | 37
sideshowsbaldhead | 37
titanwithpp | 36
DSGFan | 36
ButterflyEffect23 | 36
number1_ScreaM_fan | 35
Subreezy | 35
Shawn23 | 35
cboomer | 35
thenutoriousPRO | 34
Cresp | 33
BulkyLettuce | 33
Vianx11 | 32
cloudberry | 32
Denjisideals | 32
GLN321 | 31
unknown_trash | 31
andrewdamf | 31
SuperRoss | 31
destroylonely | 31
cartixuzi | 31
Conceit | 31
envyz | 31
chrlxz | 31
widepeepofrosty | 30
Netero | 30
Yessirskiiii | 30
smthlikeyou11 | 30
n1cf | 29
nobody_100 | 29
catNmouse | 29
moatz | 28
NG1nS | 28
asdfgh | 28
SaltyMcNulty | 28
michaelisupset | 28
number2_cNed_fan | 28
Tryeue2 | 28
FireII | 27
Neon74 | 27
Karmine_OrgWhispeR | 27
KyLZi | 27
HenBabyH | 27
Prancer | 27
PrTsty | 26
OkOkay | 26
Aris | 26
Congo1 | 26
Poh1238 | 26
patuj | 25
MerkFreeks | 25
sheahhhh | 25
danii1 | 25
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao | 25
Faraday | 24
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 24
Orangepanda | 24
valkin | 24
shrike- | 24
| 23
pugboy | 23
south_america_best_region | 23
kalayav_n | 23
zardinez | 22
Dybala21 | 22
RickyIndian | 22
kbkdark | 22
jawn | 22
wizardbot | 22
burritx | 22
BoF7ooM | 22
bronzil_enjoyer | 22
hanafuji | 22
arin2016 | 22
CoCloudy | 22
gamergirl | 22
Mjtchell | 21
wkeyspectre | 21
plas | 21
trola | 21
turkey | 21
AlexSMTxx | 21
Waking_W | 21
Aayan | 21
Azzelastia | 21
WinterZ | 20
Matrix13e | 20
Gutssz | 20
valulrantefanboy | 20
LyCan52 | 20
Asuna_Yuuki | 20
smizuu | 20
B1itz | 20
sdgdfdrgdrfgdrgdrfttdhy | 20
0fcuZ | 20
boilincockroach | 20
kyro1 | 20
z12 | 20
Danny | 19
dejikke | 19
brobeans | 19
MeloSquids | 19
AlexSMTx | 19
| 19
c4rrotstix | 19
Giannero | 19
Marty | 18
esney | 18
Domination | 18
JustEnjoying | 18
kzeriar | 18
welikefortniteandvalorant | 18
crazy_igel_fan | 18
chick | 18
capital_d_colon | 18
GreyDaze | 18
Ailed | 18
yawnster | 18
TM06Nick | 18
PooFaceCe | 18
ciro | 18
delusional_sentinels_fan1 | 18
1243 | 17
Shownu | 17
6vine | 17
33AJ | 17
bonkashi | 17
chloeburbank | 17
acels2 | 17
ortuh | 17
Yogi020 | 17
dezzo | 17
EseemedRes1180 | 17
alecksdesk | 17
Ballsamolee | 17
DownLoad_AimLabs | 17
elysxxm | 17
Rainyy | 17
AverageJoe | 16
wohe | 16
thanatos11 | 16
trembolonaRage | 16
Stratum7 | 16
charizard_123 | 16
feelsbadboaster | 16
benmaimoon | 16
Kiko | 16
Soddalele | 16
anyth1ng | 16
Elso | 15
queueK | 15
idkbro | 15
bigpeensheen | 15
Reimsy | 15
Zaynio | 15
spookmeister | 15
BrotherMan | 15
USCK | 15
Zaba | 15
AltonBu02 | 15
terribletyranny | 15
kaninv | 15
ionlyHave1Zuni | 15
Thriceistoocold | 15
hellfire | 15
botfragger432 | 15
Kxtqqh | 15
gutszeraa | 14
number1_MIBR_hater | 14
brdreamer | 14
Azzlack | 14
h9zard | 14
HaSanity | 14
sad_gambit_fan | 14
meyournightmare | 14
Cayub | 14
HackNaija | 14
FoechiGG | 14
MilanTheMyth | 14
funny_prank | 14
FDWC- | 14
sexocum | 14
LycheeBlade | 14
Er3ngenes1s | 14
The_Cleg | 14
trikecycle | 14
Average_NA_fan | 14
Anoymouse | 14
Harapan845 | 14
sanknight | 14
Mememeister1 | 13
schlong | 13
MourninggStarr | 13
toofan1 | 13
lorenzopajaroFC | 13
Dolphin | 13
JokesOver | 13
ash_knuckles | 13
Nachtel | 13
Nilonesia | 13
Yistyy | 13
Diebs | 13
Marhuee | 13
SmartPerson | 13
s0ber | 13
kamisavitar | 13
yourfather | 13
NexusNomad | 13
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 13
fatpoipoiiii | 13
swvyboi1 | 13
flanador | 13
Arisqq | 13
hdeqth | 13
Clucker | 13
tinted | 12
fourlvalorant | 12
V0sotros | 12
Moiraine | 12


100t top 250

Total '100t' Mentions: 62814
Unique Users Who Said '100t': 6862

dexter000111 | 1062
PrTsty | 634
sentinelmain377 | 626
TheAceGamer30 | 589
Psion | 518
thenutoriousPRO | 482
MourninggStarr | 377
Asuna_Yuuki | 333
Mjtchell | 308
LifeIsALie | 306
Ullyr | 281
RickyIndian | 278
spookmeister | 274
Pengu12 | 256
sheahhhh | 255
Fat_Lard | 253
Pumsyslayer | 248
turkey | 246
ShadowisBAD | 235
fourlvalorant | 231
valulrantefanboy | 230
unknown_trash | 210
catNmouse | 210
Ryan9500 | 200
cboomer | 190
GetsystheGr8 | 187
AstroGalaxy | 184
Fire737 | 180
333triplethreat | 177
Docta | 174
kfan4238173 | 174
patuj | 173
Subreezy | 172
babysasuke | 170
V0sotros | 166
michaelisupset | 165
BoF7ooM | 164
Cresp | 162
sussybaka | 160
JustHunter | 158
romanval | 157
OriGinalgamerSWEAT | 155
chloeburbank | 152
moatz | 152
gamr | 150
EU_quiet | 149
Deadpanmitten94 | 146
Verstepping33 | 146
Zerphyr1 | 146
aylez | 141
Shawn23 | 140
fardeengg | 139
donkkomong | 138
MeloSquids | 137
SaltyMcNulty | 137
Hades_Loves_Rb | 135
Perma | 133
Mortadelo | 131
koromast | 131
sad_gambit_fan | 130
Icysoda57 | 128
greedeetv | 125
Wronghand | 123
ItsMeDio | 121
envyz | 121
EntryKJ | 118
Styling911 | 116
dignityx3 | 116
nobody___100 | 116
LouBag | 114
zardinez | 111
MerkFreeks | 110
zidmz | 110
Simp4S0m | 110
yukky | 110
capital_d_colon | 109
Caliburn0723 | 108
Shadow_Monarch | 107
williamm | 106
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 104
tttangent | 103
Shownu | 98
cryyBAE | 98
PINTO0 | 98
meyournightmare | 96
YvngKurry | 96
DbBested | 96
Sprouts | 94
nutab1e | 94
TinglyPiano | 94
Qwertyy | 94
cartixuzi | 94
angels1query | 92
nooomy | 92
Gutssz | 91
Anguibok | 91
Netero | 90
CraigGarth01 | 90
BrotherMan | 90
gamergirl | 90
Nachtel | 88
ShxdowZ | 87
Pocket | 87
JustEnjoying | 86
uwukitten | 86
Depressed_TSM_Fan | 85
juno_VLR | 85
PersonHere | 85
MadnessMedia | 85
widepeepofrosty | 85
Moiraine | 85
w0v | 84
c4rrotstix | 83
kyro1 | 81
GLN321 | 80
xiphon | 80
Dolphin | 80
StutterSt3p | 79
TwentySeven | 78
fallwithtj | 78
MapleVAL | 78
FramBoiSe | 78
plas | 77
Zaynio | 77
jawn | 77
Danny | 76
schlong | 76
Revlo | 76
FrenchToast | 76
number2_cNed_fan | 75
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 74
1mBor3d | 73
redlight | 73
UnEstoppable | 73
PotatoCh1ps | 72
Scottyboi30 | 72
100TBoeJiden | 71
Ailed | 71
TrialRunnr | 71
Azzelastia | 71
flu1d | 70
trola | 70
1king | 70
ciro | 70
PP12123213123 | 70
iehn | 69
bigpeensheen | 69
cioccolat | 69
james_ff | 69
jimmylwho | 68
1243 | 67
south_america_best_region | 67
Corny | 66
Matrix13e | 66
OkOkay | 66
Ausam | 66
hellaeleganceyeah | 65
Kirya | 65
number1_cned_hater | 65
H3ENnZ | 65
DBStudios | 65
kucD | 64
pugz | 64
Holistical_Nil | 64
reremus | 64
supernova | 63
kskm | 63
raka_gg | 62
ItsHunter | 61
Delusional_Mitch_Fan | 61
Rodu | 61
JawXG | 61
number_1_Ego_fan | 61
FireII | 60
emirerays | 60
Maximus3537 | 60
BayArea | 60
Asunas_Chinese_Teacher | 60
swaglord69 | 59
Kiko | 59
Blazieboy | 59
annoybrocc02 | 59
blicey | 58
Astar | 58
kalayav_n | 58
Shanty | 57
Legion91 | 57
Diebs | 57
kristof | 57
StyrofoamOne | 57
Asphyxia | 56
Tyzehhxo | 56
redding | 56
beb0p | 56
nihso | 56
moonemi | 56
BulkyLettuce | 56
ritdro2211 | 55
Aris | 55
seankukuz | 55
yaiima0 | 55
pewpew | 55
GooberBoy | 55
crashhacker1 | 55
brahianv | 55
Merc2 | 55
gerritz | 54
ComradeVonAustria | 54
Abstrac | 54
SquareMars | 54
jblancard | 54
KoreanOverlord | 53
tuffybass | 53
titanwithpp | 53
KanyeAsada | 53
Dokka | 53
Itsover | 53
SomeoneLikeU | 53
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao | 53
thatpower | 52
axetjj | 52
wowzerswow | 51
Prontera | 51
melon_fan | 51
TmhariMummy | 50
RnJn | 50
fIuid | 50
noxx | 50
Lucrix | 50
cameran | 50
Dybala21 | 49
chimpy | 49
sincebeta | 49
| 49
CanadianLegend | 49
h9zard | 49
mysterii | 49
Phanification | 49
andrewdamf | 48
Kepin | 48
SENzombs | 48
grenji | 48
FusionLULW | 48
Froggy0_0 | 48
Denjisideals | 48
delusional_sentinels_fan1 | 48
ihitthat | 47
lorenzopajaroFC | 47
BaboonBoy | 47
randomperson | 47


sen top 250

Total 'sen' Mentions: 113083
Unique Users Who Said 'sen': 8994

TheAceGamer30 | 1671
sentinelmain377 | 1045
ShadowisBAD | 946
Asuna_Yuuki | 798
michaelisupset | 776
SaltyMcNulty | 718
Pengu12 | 699
AstroGalaxy | 669
RickyIndian | 651
sheahhhh | 644
yukky | 622
nihso | 576
catNmouse | 571
envyz | 536
Ullyr | 494
Shawn23 | 448
FrenchToast | 448
cboomer | 434
Psion | 412
jawn | 411
babysasuke | 407
mocaxoxo | 396
dort | 363
BulkyLettuce | 362
kfan4238173 | 361
donkkomong | 354
dexter000111 | 352
Ausam | 352
H3ENnZ | 350
valulrantefanboy | 348
PrTsty | 340
Simp4S0m | 339
cartixuzi | 335
thenutoriousPRO | 333
turkey | 327
Kirya | 324
kalayav_n | 307
lelouch526 | 292
Hades_Loves_Rb | 276
TinglyPiano | 275
Shadow_Monarch | 271
uwukitten | 270
Rugsssssss | 269
nobody___100 | 269
ItsHunter | 263
Rey55 | 262
skibidiyesyes | 259
koromast | 257
1243 | 256
moonemi | 254
moatz | 253
Cresp | 251
delusional_sentinels_fan1 | 242
ciro | 240
beaver_man | 233
StutterSt3p | 229
Mortadelo | 227
GetsystheGr8 | 227
noxx | 226
james_ff | 225
unknown_trash | 223
JustHunter | 218
MuZe | 217
number2_cNed_fan | 215
Zerphyr1 | 213
reremus | 212
Subreezy | 210
Bald_man | 210
Netero | 206
HeIsTet | 202
cobalt21312 | 198
Wronghand | 197
Froggy0_0 | 196
KRATOSmimir21 | 194
SomeoneLikeU | 194
swvyboi1 | 190
BigTiddyMilf | 189
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 186
1mBor3d | 182
Fire737 | 182
h9zard | 178
BoF7ooM | 174
sad_gambit_fan | 172
Anguibok | 172
Denjisideals | 169
Orangepanda | 168
idkmanwth | 168
shrike- | 166
sussybaka | 164
oiiink | 162
gamergirl | 160
pugboy | 158
AltonBu02 | 158
Azzelastia | 158
peaced | 158
EU_quiet | 157
kskm | 156
LouBag | 155
yoyoyo_8382 | 153
BrotherMan | 152
cameran | 152
geometrix | 151
Mrityunjay | 149
Demon1_The_GOAT | 148
c4rrotstix | 147
AlexSMTx | 147
Danny | 146
Diebs | 146
titanwithpp | 144
Perma | 142
Klaw69 | 142
yaiima0 | 141
meyournightmare | 140
PINTO0 | 139
danii1 | 138
zardinez | 138
jblancard | 137
AK3 | 137
smthlikeyou11 | 135
spectre300 | 134
zidmz | 133
tomato211222 | 132
Obelisk | 132
aylez | 132
Peteer | 132
YvngKurry | 131
MilanTheMyth | 131
DBStudios | 131
SAMPV6 | 130
OkOkay | 129
Blazieboy | 129
blicey | 129
Pooh | 129
Qwertyy | 128
Fat_Lard | 127
JustEnjoying | 127
pewpew | 125
SquareMars | 124
KClaw | 124
ShaoFeng | 123
kyro1 | 123
grenji | 122
0fcuZ | 122
MrBulbe | 122
LuffyVlr | 121
TrialRunnr | 121
plas | 119
boilin_cockroach | 119
meanie | 119
deathlyclaws | 118
Revlo | 118
nutab1e | 118
gamr | 117
YeaUrMum | 116
MerkFreeks | 116
WhatADrag | 115
Aris | 114
Itsover | 114
WhoseTao | 114
schlong | 113
greedeetv | 113
Gutssz | 113
Aayan | 113
toofan1 | 111
SunnyFromVLR | 111
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 111
ax0788 | 110
widepeepofrosty | 109
SamBR | 109
Nachtel | 109
bronzilenjoyer | 109
CanadianLegend | 108
Al-Mawsil | 108
CanadaMan | 108
KyLZi | 107
Charism | 107
| 107
trembolonaRage | 105
pugz | 105
Bluelive | 105
Styling911 | 104
Simon_Digger | 104
Lucrix | 104
ItsMeDio | 103
Faraday | 103
Zeron | 103
cloudberry | 103
Dybala21 | 102
TM06Nick | 102
AlexSMTxx | 102
swaglord69 | 101
moshimoshiman24 | 101
Reckoninqs | 101
Anoymouse | 101
6vine | 100
Bluez | 100
the_invincible49 | 100
SENBobstar | 99
ionlyHave1Zuni | 98
TeoEmil | 98
alecksdesk | 98
PP12123213123 | 98
IceRapt0r1 | 97
crazy_igel_fan | 96
vreesey | 96
ArtemisZ083 | 96
RGS_OnToP | 95
V0sotros | 95
Sprouts | 94
FireII | 94
KanyeAsada | 94
Karmine_Org_WhispeR | 94
Hynix | 94
Monsteiur | 94
Ryan9500 | 93
Chow1E | 93
Riizwan19xx | 93
tttangent | 92
Pras1mos | 92
brobeans | 91
333triplethreat | 91
Uncleben | 91
phm04 | 91
ButterflyEffect23 | 90
trikecycle | 90
NotNefarious | 90
Jarvuy | 90
zen-o | 89
Rokun | 89
ZANEy | 89
Elso | 88
GLN321 | 88
cryyBAE | 88
wedqatwrtgehge | 88
Manaphy | 88
Prasinos | 88
notAGN | 87
n1cf | 86
Yistyy | 86
Yuh_aye | 86
redlight | 85
EntryKJ | 85
NneonZz | 85
romanval | 84
ChowChow | 84
TmhariMummy | 83
Matrix13e | 83
spookmeister | 83
Shanty | 82


only 256 i fell off smh my head


Looking t you tread rn, in that time I would have 180 Sen metions, since both Pras1mos and Prasinos is me.


Can you do aspas and then do boaster? I’d be interested in who has more mentions


Here are Top 500 for Boaster

Total 'Boaster' Mentions: 15208
Unique Users Who Said 'Boaster': 3280
babysasuke | 391
sentinelmain377 | 282
idkbro | 146
Shownu | 125
catNmouse | 103
patuj | 101
Mortadelo | 98
GreyDaze | 94
mrGoudas | 82
Jogular | 82
nutab1e | 80
cboomer | 74
capital_d_colon | 68
Cresp | 63
symbols07 | 62
yoboikingkong | 60
queueK | 57
Moiraine | 55
Hades_Loves_Rb | 55
kfan4238173 | 54
shizuku_hajime | 52
Simp4S0m | 51
Aayan | 51
kalayav_n | 51
laeDLaer | 46
Itsover | 45
gamergirl | 45
Psion | 44
nihso | 44
nobody___100 | 44
koromast | 43
Kk0bra | 43
no_noise_979 | 43
h786 | 43
The_Cleg | 41
idkmanwth | 41
LyCan52 | 40
uwukitten | 40
Yuh_aye | 40
widepeepofrosty | 39
BoF7ooM | 39
ItsMeDio | 39
dexter000111 | 38
valulrantefanboy | 38
Nachtel | 38
Domination | 37
seankukuz | 36
sheahhhh | 36
bonkashi | 36
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 36
beaver_man | 36
sad_gambit_fan | 35
Breloof | 35
yaiima0 | 34
FNC_Ajay | 34
n1cf | 34
Gutssz | 33
EntryKJ | 33
meanie | 32
moatz | 31
Mca | 31
Wronghand | 31
goofyahh1447 | 31
amovie | 31
meyournightmare | 30
titanwithpp | 30
starxito_sike | 30
Prontera | 30
EMEAstan | 30
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 30
reaper_rega08 | 30
GooberBoy | 29
BattleCry | 29
cartixuzi | 29
dort | 29
HaSanity | 28
NneonZz | 28
acels2 | 28
AmanGupta12_08 | 28
TmhariMummy | 27
Asuna_Yuuki | 27
Pondy | 27
boarkejer | 27
envyz | 27
SigmaMale | 26
gamr | 26
Pengu12 | 26
xD1LL4N | 25
pugz | 25
Shadow_Monarch | 25
yukky | 25
Soddalele | 25
gold2peak | 25
Dybala21 | 24
number1_MIBRhater | 24
H3ENnZ | 24
andrewdamf | 23
washeddiamondbot | 23
cioccolat | 23
PINTO0 | 23
Okoretro | 23
Congo1 | 23
TrialRunnr | 23
Kirya | 23
c4rrotstix | 23
| 22
KyLZi | 22
Sushi_ | 22
chloeburbank | 22
turkey | 22
chick | 22
hekzy | 22
unknown_trash | 22
Daddyzin | 22
nottoxic45 | 22
jixk | 22
lorenzopajaroFC | 21
archetype | 21
WinterZ | 21
masterX | 21
avepalto | 21
SaltyMcNulty | 21
Sonatine | 21
ntro | 21
Galactc | 21
Dolphin | 20
Nilonesia | 20
AstroGalaxy | 20
zardinez | 19
spookmeister | 19
Asphyxia | 19
ColdWKey | 19
BrotherMan | 19
zidmz | 19
adilKhan | 19
Cheasle2 | 19
jawn | 19
Obelisk | 19
Yessirskiiii | 19
TheAqif | 19
azureblade101 | 19
shrike- | 19
Blazieboy | 18
geometrix | 18
Mrityunjay | 18
Manaphy | 18
Sherl0ck | 18
BurgerMan23 | 18
number2_cNed_fan | 18
Froggy0_0 | 18
Chicken_Sandals | 18
OkOkay | 17
Verstepping33 | 17
Ullyr | 17
Olofboost | 17
cohnr | 17
yungbasel | 17
SilentCypher | 17
Marshal_D_Teach | 17
Dokka | 17
aylez | 17
kapteN | 17
Zayol | 17
Ailed | 17
grenji | 17
thenutoriousPRO | 17
jonny05 | 17
Ultia | 17
trembolonaRage | 16
feaN | 16
ragegrexo | 16
tinted | 16
joellogic | 16
thatpower | 16
JustEnjoying | 16
BairyHalls | 16
FerahgoTheGreat | 16
Diebs | 16
donkkomong | 16
NioMS | 16
TeoEmil | 16
chsnvictr | 16
cameran | 16
charleser | 16
ciro | 16
1243 | 15
1mBor3d | 15
Kiklop | 15
Ultimate6989 | 15
pugboy | 15
EU_quiet | 15
GetsystheGr8 | 15
gutszeraa | 15
Subreezy | 15
Pocket | 15
Shawn23 | 15
ionlyHave1Zuni | 15
alecksdesk | 15
FluffyRhino4 | 15
Er3ngenes1s | 15
Uncleben | 15
Ballsamolee | 15
TooCautionHeartless | 15
ThePsych0 | 14
Abydaby | 14
KennyJones | 14
tuxmko | 14
ufc | 14
Colevalorant | 14
Daniveus | 14
| 14
Ryan9500 | 14
ax0788 | 14
orthoboy | 14
PandaZ | 14
dezzo | 14
TheArcticArcher | 14
Zerphyr1 | 14
msarez | 14
Hynix | 14
SirJohnny123 | 14
K4ziuHa | 14
fnaticENJOYER | 14
DBStudios | 14
cloudberry | 14
reremus | 14
| 14
amyayayy | 13
Tomstar124 | 13
Valgod | 13
TakoSaki | 13
brobeans | 13
orqn | 13
G2Mimi_Is_Mommy | 13
Darkhunter | 13
LocoMonteiro | 13
TheAceGamer30 | 13
CalypsoGHC | 13
Hobbit | 13
Nef0r0 | 13
number1_ScreaM_fan | 12
feelsbadboaster | 12
Styling911 | 12
Denjisideals | 12
Sprouts | 12
DrudaL | 12
NG1nS | 12
Typer | 12
RnJn | 12
doosean | 12
Zorontom | 12
seankuku | 12
FireII | 12
SAMPV6 | 12
Qwertyy | 12
UvuvwevwevweOnyetenyevwe | 12
en3sk0se | 12
south_america_best_region | 12
mysterii | 12
hanafuuji | 12
Karmine_Org_WhispeR | 12
Yistyy | 12
acels | 12
Capricorn | 12
SmartPerson | 12
DeluluGavin | 12
bronzil_enjoyer | 12
number1_cned_hater | 12
yessirsedi | 12
smthlikeyou11 | 12
ButterflyEffect23 | 12
StalwartTiger_35 | 12
SunnyFromVLR | 12
KClaw | 12
AZDZ | 12
GLN321 | 12
MilanTheMyth | 11
asdfgh | 11
PRLV | 11
kbkdark | 11
Hoshi_0326 | 11
Revlo | 11
PrTsty | 11
alitmanus | 11
Adi69LassiSeller | 11
Netero | 11
kirrans | 11
thiagomds | 11
MANIAC8686 | 11
Raevus | 11
brahianv | 11
p1lot | 11
ValdemieGC | 11
calabasa | 11
yawnster | 11
love_trial | 11
kamisavitar | 11
localkoolkid | 11
KxngSolomon | 11
Twentytwo | 11
Sidyon | 11
ch1gga | 11
DSGFan | 11
Rocky54 | 11
kyro1 | 11
heavensentsaint | 11
Yuniee44 | 11
GambleNats | 11
x_knowitall39_x | 11
Kezyyz | 10
YvngKurry | 10
r0xi3 | 10
deathlyclaws | 10
greedeetv | 10
fourlvalorant | 10
burritx | 10
NightBeam | 10
Mdkns | 10
Astar | 10
thanatos11 | 10
Mjtchell | 10
-Artorias | 10
horse69 | 10
noxx | 10
derptz | 10
iammika1999 | 10
| 10
emirerays | 10
Al-Mawsil | 10
randomperson | 10
4rrowlol | 10
michaelisupset | 10
FrenchToast | 10
Zyppan_Best_Raze | 10
Rodu | 10
Gummybears | 10
FrostTree187 | 10
Gomes255 | 10
ShadowisBAD | 10
moomoomoomeadows | 10
pessi_41 | 10
valcygnus | 10
iluckilyVA | 10
Vengaa | 10
Botroretro | 10
LeCat | 10
karasik947 | 10
seofps | 10
AssGrass | 10
jame24k | 10
syncz | 10
schlong | 9
Chirby | 9
Heyheyehyehyehyrhyr | 9
Matrix13e | 9
crashhacker1 | 9
TheHardStuckImmortal | 9
redlight | 9
alexxx | 9
charizard_123 | 9
RickyIndian | 9
Delusional_SA_fan | 9
Shaheeeeem | 9
eeeeeeeee | 9
Warlordwibz | 9
Mocratow | 9
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan | 9
Shots | 9
ash_knuckles | 9
Glaciate05 | 9
iamtheh | 9
Jeffo | 9
veyyyyron | 9
Pewdiepie | 9
StutterSt3p | 9
Schizophrenic_Brazil_Fan | 9
ranker11 | 9
Zeron | 9
Waking_W | 9
EseemedRes1180 | 9
Gutwi | 9
Chad_Amell | 9
Emmy_TOF | 9
Barss | 9
Orangepanda | 9
Mozzarellas | 9
AlmartAn | 9
geospliced | 9
Bald_man | 9
Tryeue2 | 9
BulkyLettuce | 9
Notbaka | 9
TM06Nick | 9
theycallmetheBEST | 9
Sanest_Alfajer_Fan | 9
alpine007 | 9
AyazHashem | 9
hellohello139 | 8
CanadianLegend | 8
1ucid | 8
Tofutemp | 8
Danny | 8
MourninggStarr | 8
Ibis | 8
DDenied | 8
wizardbot | 8
Quagmire | 8
Perma | 8
mdz | 8
astroversed | 8
Pumsyslayer | 8
sutta | 8
yana-banana | 8
gtngodyorukingdestruction | 8
Tyzehhxo | 8
Crypto_816 | 8
Rokun | 8
reycac | 8
frakeN | 8
Stratie | 8
RayzerGH | 8
angels1query | 8
eszett | 8
arin2016 | 8
mocaxoxo | 8
TheMonk | 8
danii1 | 8
dayyaan1 | 8
DDot | 8
zombzino | 8
kaibe8 | 8
BBC1 | 8
reminifoo | 8
cholikarr | 8
sheesherz | 8
Conut | 8
doc_octavius | 8
anyth1ng | 8
Ausam | 8
Siigma777 | 8
hbake | 8
number_1_Ego_fan | 8
IonlywatchvcjXD | 8
peaced | 8
Demon1_The_GOAT | 8
jblancard | 8
factsonly | 8
61Hiko | 7
Elcatsu | 7
X_ae_A12 | 7
Prathades | 7
Anzaldinho | 7
clocksky888 | 7
xLeo | 7
chimpy | 7
BackoxyXD | 7
Crayzid | 7
| 7
durum | 7
Calangod | 7
Faraday | 7
Lahm | 7
s0ber | 7
cyk | 7
Droogles | 7
anay | 7
GENZAMAN1235 | 7
Caliburn0723 | 7
steel_hater | 7
AltonBu02 | 7
theogblazen | 7
LouBag | 7
zeldrols | 7
K2215 | 7
Xerulo | 7
paNcada49 | 7
Wiggs | 7
manca | 7
Shidoh | 7
ItsHunter | 7
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn | 7
sliceddice | 7
RajdeepYT | 7
Brimstan | 7
moshimoshiman24 | 7
CrimsonCelestial | 7
Art1st | 7
terribletyranny | 7
Marhuee | 7
JJfriends | 7


Top 250 Aspas (lowered it cause i keep running out of space here)

Total 'aspas' Mentions: 37767
Unique Users Who Said 'aspas': 4655

Hyssopus1 | 409 mentions
trembolonaRage | 371 mentions
ionlyHave1Zuni | 342 mentions
catNmouse | 332 mentions
Mca | 316 mentions
alitmanus | 265 mentions
kfan4238173 | 254 mentions
kalayav_n | 245 mentions
Asuna_Yuuki | 229 mentions
cboomer | 218 mentions
andrewdamf | 217 mentions
cioccolat | 215 mentions
BulkyLettuce | 209 mentions
sentinelmain377 | 204 mentions
Average_NA_fan | 200 mentions
Hades_Loves_Rb | 184 mentions
aTastyCook1e | 175 mentions
number1_MIBR_hater | 170 mentions
michaelisupset | 169 mentions
anyth1ng | 163 mentions
Mortadelo | 158 mentions
SmartPerson | 156 mentions
koromast | 155 mentions
Shadow_Monarch | 155 mentions
cartixuzi | 155 mentions
SomeoneLikeU | 155 mentions
Johan | 152 mentions
AlexSMTx | 152 mentions
donkkomong | 149 mentions
Prasinos | 146 mentions
ValAnalist | 144 mentions
Noyn | 142 mentions
TheAceGamer30 | 136 mentions
Peteer | 131 mentions
Steelz | 127 mentions
brdreamer | 124 mentions
Simp4S0m | 124 mentions
thiagomds | 123 mentions
Ullyr | 121 mentions
hunkkz | 121 mentions
jawn | 120 mentions
p1lot | 118 mentions
SamBR | 114 mentions
Shidoh | 113 mentions
wykes | 112 mentions
Coures | 110 mentions
RickyIndian | 109 mentions
burritx | 107 mentions
lorenzopajaroFC | 105 mentions
supernova | 105 mentions
Yuh_aye | 103 mentions
Karmine_Org_WhispeR | 102 mentions
c4rrotstix | 102 mentions
widepeepofrosty | 101 mentions
H3ENnZ | 101 mentions
shzuo | 99 mentions
chrlxz | 98 mentions
Pengu12 | 95 mentions
Nachtel | 94 mentions
Itsover | 92 mentions
nobody___100 | 92 mentions
Marhuee | 91 mentions
capital_d_colon | 90 mentions
AstroGalaxy | 90 mentions
number2_cNed_fan | 90 mentions
AlexSMTxx | 89 mentions
Pras1mos | 89 mentions
GreyDaze | 88 mentions
pugz | 88 mentions
uwukitten | 88 mentions
SEN_brasileiros | 88 mentions
Uncleben | 86 mentions
kbkdark | 85 mentions
SaltyMcNulty | 84 mentions
foythvlr | 83 mentions
paNcada49 | 82 mentions
Demon1_The_GOAT | 81 mentions
gamr | 80 mentions
Daddyzin | 80 mentions
number1_cnedhater | 80 mentions
| 79 mentions
FrenchToast | 79 mentions
Diebs | 78 mentions
aylez | 78 mentions
thenutoriousPRO | 78 mentions
gamergirl | 78 mentions
babysasuke | 76 mentions
nihso | 76 mentions
destroylonely | 75 mentions
envyz | 75 mentions
sad_gambitfan | 74 mentions
cloudberry | 74 mentions
Rabbiit | 73 mentions
Xabrusca | 73 mentions
| 71 mentions
dezzo | 71 mentions
smthlikeyou11 | 71 mentions
Denjisideals | 71 mentions
LuffyVlr | 69 mentions
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 69 mentions
Cresp | 68 mentions
moatz | 68 mentions
2bored | 68 mentions
RayzerGH | 67 mentions
Yessirskiiii | 67 mentions
south_america_best_region | 67 mentions
0fcuZ | 67 mentions
gutszeraa | 66 mentions
HyenaLaugh | 66 mentions
n1cf | 66 mentions
Jeffo | 65 mentions
KClaw | 65 mentions
Gutssz | 64 mentions
valulrantefanboy | 64 mentions
Shawn23 | 64 mentions
The_Cleg | 64 mentions
canyon | 64 mentions
kamisavitar | 64 mentions
laeDLaer | 63 mentions
Froggy0_0 | 63 mentions
welikefortniteandvalorant | 61 mentions
seofps | 61 mentions
LouBag | 60 mentions
eszett | 60 mentions
Indra420 | 60 mentions
Psion | 59 mentions
PINTO0 | 58 mentions
alienista1 | 58 mentions
Shownu | 57 mentions
yukky | 57 mentions
TeoEmil | 57 mentions
unknown_trash | 56 mentions
Ailed | 56 mentions
pugboy | 55 mentions
dort | 55 mentions
AltonBu02 | 54 mentions
ExCPt | 53 mentions
vitzsu | 53 mentions
hellfire | 53 mentions
Sonatine | 52 mentions
Schizophrenic_Brazil_Fan | 52 mentions
Rey55 | 52 mentions
inlucid | 51 mentions
Aayan | 51 mentions
RedditGGGB | 50 mentions
Kirya | 50 mentions
Yistyy | 50 mentions
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 50 mentions
kyro1 | 50 mentions
ButterflyEffect23 | 49 mentions
nutab1e | 49 mentions
PP12123213123 | 49 mentions
beaver_man | 48 mentions
charleser | 48 mentions
TrialRunnr | 47 mentions
cholikarr | 47 mentions
tomaz | 47 mentions
OkOkay | 47 mentions
Ultia | 47 mentions
Julia_Boaskivisk | 46 mentions
EntryKJ | 46 mentions
alecksdesk | 46 mentions
brahianv | 45 mentions
dejikke | 45 mentions
zardinez | 45 mentions
loloscum | 45 mentions
crashhacker1 | 45 mentions
GooberBoy | 44 mentions
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan | 44 mentions
doomvor | 44 mentions
arin2016 | 43 mentions
EdsonTresPernas | 42 mentions
Dokka | 42 mentions
BoF7ooM | 41 mentions
veyyyyron | 40 mentions
derptz | 40 mentions
flames-leleo | 40 mentions
bronzil_enjoyer | 40 mentions
rapiDtheLad | 40 mentions
shrike- | 40 mentions
fecinom | 39 mentions
Congo1 | 39 mentions
fawning | 39 mentions
SunnyFromVLR | 39 mentions
Wronghand | 38 mentions
Perma | 38 mentions
ax0788 | 38 mentions
ASTEROIDCHILD | 38 mentions
DBStudios | 38 mentions
Prancer | 38 mentions
DeverasTriste | 38 mentions
BrotherMan | 37 mentions
Adi69LassiSeller | 37 mentions
grenji | 37 mentions
ffwagashi | 37 mentions
Darkhunter | 37 mentions
ZekaTheGoat | 37 mentions
Ballsamolee | 37 mentions
Liwus | 37 mentions
SigmaMale | 36 mentions
yaiima0 | 36 mentions
LocoMonteiro | 35 mentions
Marshal_D_Teach | 35 mentions
paulinmagic | 35 mentions
sylv1o | 35 mentions
Ricardo_Ereto69 | 35 mentions
lxd1o_o | 35 mentions
Patoow14 | 35 mentions
titanwithpp | 34 mentions
love_trial | 34 mentions
AmanGupta12_08 | 34 mentions
geometrix | 34 mentions
shinnoxd | 34 mentions
Ausam | 34 mentions
1243 | 33 mentions
G2ShahZaM | 33 mentions
MuZe | 33 mentions
Zerphyr1 | 33 mentions
StutterSt3p | 33 mentions
Finth | 33 mentions
oiiink | 33 mentions
reremus | 33 mentions
SuperRoss | 32 mentions
KyLZi | 32 mentions
spookmeister | 32 mentions
fardeengg | 32 mentions
SquareMars | 32 mentions
espeon | 32 mentions
doctaw | 32 mentions
idkmanwth | 32 mentions
glittering_yard | 32 mentions
AladdinINSANE | 31 mentions
Obelisk | 31 mentions
waelkhrais | 31 mentions
TM06Nick | 31 mentions
laifu | 31 mentions
jixk | 31 mentions
1mBor3d | 30 mentions
chloeburbank | 30 mentions
zombzino | 30 mentions
Ic4rusYam2 | 30 mentions
moonemi | 30 mentions
merciless-pity8989-89 | 30 mentions
I_LOVE_LESS | 30 mentions
NG1nS | 29 mentions
uentzoul | 29 mentions
Fayt | 29 mentions
akaFelipee | 29 mentions
mzto | 29 mentions
tamanduaDDDD | 29 mentions


Woah aspas with double
I would’ve guessed he would be higher but not by that much


solid glazing


Can you do ‘yukky’ ‘laundry’ ‘cloudberry’ ‘HenBabyH’ ‘m4’ or other notable users? 🙏❤️

Also this shit cool asf, I aspire to be like u


can u see what users are mentioned the most


actually doing that rn but its an expensive query so its gonna take a while


Top 250, and it seems like alot of users have been accidentally mentioned just cause their username is like that

Top 250 Most Mentioned Usernames in Comments (Exact Matches):
supernova | 1605 mentions
s | 895 mentions
swvyboi1 | 731 mentions
Aperture | 347 mentions
BackoxyXD | 205 mentions
ILL | 139 mentions
Styling911 | 138 mentions
moatz | 137 mentions
CARPE | 119 mentions
Kirya | 114 mentions
CanadaMan | 114 mentions
Netero | 103 mentions
Subreezy | 72 mentions
u | 68 mentions
geospliced | 60 mentions
| 56 mentions
juho | 55 mentions
jamal | 52 mentions
Domination | 50 mentions
Simp4S0m | 49 mentions
nihso | 48 mentions
Conut | 45 mentions
babysasuke | 42 mentions
benjy | 41 mentions
yoyoyo_8382 | 40 mentions
wafters | 39 mentions
WOWMAN | 39 mentions
Styx | 38 mentions
Poge | 38 mentions
alecksdesk | 36 mentions
HenBabyH | 36 mentions
Dolphin | 36 mentions
Seulgi | 35 mentions
Froggy0_0 | 35 mentions
oo | 34 mentions
yukky | 33 mentions
h | 33 mentions
Aayan | 33 mentions
Hasbulla | 32 mentions
DIEM | 32 mentions
nutab1e | 31 mentions
Stendo | 30 mentions
Nollihd | 30 mentions
Nachtel | 30 mentions
G2ShahZaM | 30 mentions
bronzilenjoyer | 29 mentions
zidmz | 28 mentions
minte | 28 mentions
asdfghjkl | 28 mentions
Azzlack | 28 mentions
AekaMino | 28 mentions
yo | 27 mentions
cloudberry | 27 mentions
| 26 mentions
canyon | 26 mentions
DDenied | 26 mentions
cboomer | 25 mentions
aylez | 25 mentions
meyournightmare | 24 mentions
mocking | 23 mentions
__ | 23 mentions
RealDeal | 23 mentions
Obelisk | 23 mentions
Danny | 23 mentions
ShadowisBAD | 22 mentions
Kiko | 22 mentions
Delusional_Mitch_Fan | 22 mentions
feaN | 21 mentions
bonkashi | 21 mentions
GA | 21 mentions
Asphyxia | 21 mentions
Ailed | 21 mentions
lielahh | 20 mentions
kalayav_n | 20 mentions
ciro | 20 mentions
Qwertyy | 20 mentions
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 20 mentions
RickyIndian | 19 mentions
PrTsty | 19 mentions
iclappedurmama | 18 mentions
hiyo | 18 mentions
ctabust | 18 mentions
Wronghand | 18 mentions
Shownu | 18 mentions
Elso | 18 mentions
thanatos11 | 17 mentions
Kk0bra | 17 mentions
BrotherMan | 17 mentions
gamr | 16 mentions
The_Cleg | 16 mentions
Ryuji | 16 mentions
Ms | 16 mentions
Prasinos | 15 mentions
Howard | 15 mentions
Art1st | 15 mentions
ufc | 14 mentions
turkey | 14 mentions
sussyboi421 | 14 mentions
randomperson | 14 mentions
n1cf | 14 mentions
mrGoudas | 14 mentions
kbkdark | 14 mentions
jawn | 14 mentions
bruhmphrey | 14 mentions
beaver_man | 14 mentions
Tryeue2 | 14 mentions
Dwighty | 14 mentions
Average_NAfan | 14 mentions
Adi69LassiSeller | 14 mentions
ying | 13 mentions
vctscrims | 13 mentions
stewie2k | 13 mentions
spookmeister | 13 mentions
| 13 mentions
number2_cNed_fan | 13 mentions
LyCan52 | 13 mentions
Kuuga | 13 mentions
JawXG | 13 mentions
Hidden_Name | 13 mentions
Crayzid | 13 mentions
Cheasle2 | 13 mentions
AstroGalaxy | 13 mentions
widepeepofrosty | 12 mentions
seankukuz | 12 mentions
kwe | 12 mentions
en3sk0se | 12 mentions
chick | 12 mentions
anyth1ng | 12 mentions
Stream | 12 mentions
RG | 12 mentions
Mca | 12 mentions
DSGFan | 12 mentions
jblancard | 11 mentions
ishowmeat | 11 mentions
geometrix | 11 mentions
danii1 | 11 mentions
cope | 11 mentions
acels | 11 mentions
FrenchToast | 11 mentions
Faraday | 11 mentions
CalypsoGHC | 11 mentions
After | 11 mentions
saynotoherpes | 10 mentions
queueK | 10 mentions
oiiink | 10 mentions
localkoolkid | 10 mentions
grenji | 10 mentions
bE | 10 mentions
amedy | 10 mentions
Yessirskiiii | 10 mentions
TM06Nick | 10 mentions
Smartest_Fan | 10 mentions
PooFaceCe | 10 mentions
Pengu12 | 10 mentions
Noyn | 10 mentions
MasteroGgway | 10 mentions
Manaphy | 10 mentions
Granite | 10 mentions
Cresp | 10 mentions
kyro1 | 9 mentions
gtngodyorukingdestruction | 9 mentions
andrewdamf | 9 mentions
TheAceGamer30 | 9 mentions
| 9 mentions
S0v4k | 9 mentions
Rainyy | 9 mentions
Psion | 9 mentions
HackNaija | 9 mentions
GreyDaze | 9 mentions
C | 9 mentions
trikecycle | 8 mentions
sentinelmain377 | 8 mentions
reremus | 8 mentions
pickleguy483 | 8 mentions
pebu | 8 mentions
patuj | 8 mentions
kekW_gaming | 8 mentions
johnqtgoat | 8 mentions
hanafuji | 8 mentions
gamergirl | 8 mentions
fLORYwIs | 8 mentions
beb0p | 8 mentions
alecpog | 8 mentions
Zerphyr1 | 8 mentions
WinterZ | 8 mentions
Vortexy | 8 mentions
TS_ChedZ | 8 mentions
Karmine_Org_WhispeR | 8 mentions
Iper | 8 mentions
Hecking_Love_Tenz | 8 mentions
Grimoire | 8 mentions
FNEGGS | 8 mentions
China | 8 mentions
Ballsamolee | 8 mentions
Astralis_6_majors | 8 mentions
Akukko | 8 mentions
zombzino | 7 mentions
zacklikethat123 | 7 mentions
xLeo | 7 mentions
uwukitten | 7 mentions
sideshowsbaldhead | 7 mentions
kamisavitar | 7 mentions
froggy_lol | 7 mentions
cremepie | 7 mentions
botfragger432 | 7 mentions
Yory | 7 mentions
XtraChrxs | 7 mentions
Will__ | 7 mentions
Soddalele | 7 mentions
Rendzin | 7 mentions
Quagmire | 7 mentions
Prancer | 7 mentions
Lucrix | 7 mentions
JustEnjoying | 7 mentions
Dokka | 7 mentions
Derke | 7 mentions
yawnster | 6 mentions
uentzoul | 6 mentions
tsm_suck | 6 mentions
tomaz | 6 mentions
since_beta | 6 mentions
number_1_bjor_fan | 6 mentions
no1haterbutloveyou2 | 6 mentions
makoidk | 6 mentions
ilovefrozenblueberries | 6 mentions
hanafuuji | 6 mentions
creampie | 6 mentions
asseater4life | 6 mentions
RAT | 6 mentions
Zorontom | 6 mentions
Wisemen | 6 mentions
Theow | 6 mentions
PopTheCaster | 6 mentions
Pogtestic | 6 mentions
Nezko_ | 6 mentions
NG1nS | 6 mentions
Lyze | 6 mentions
Lqwnmower | 6 mentions
Laundry | 6 mentions
LULE | 6 mentions
Germanium | 6 mentions
FunnyPaprika | 6 mentions
EU_quiet | 6 mentions
D | 6 mentions
Blaezey | 6 mentions
AcidRain | 6 mentions
333triplethreat | 6 mentions
yisen | 5 mentions
snoozna | 5 mentions



Total 'yukky' Mentions: 241
Unique Users Who Said 'yukky': 113

yukky | 20
kfan4238173 | 13
n1cf | 11
HenBabyH | 11
bronzil_enjoyer | 10
Psion | 9
cloudberry | 7
asunalovr | 5
Laundry | 4
number2_cNed_fan | 4
var1ance | 4
Vesprit | 4
JustEnjoying | 3
ALoKi007 | 3
skibidiyesyes | 3
cboomer | 3
Froggy0_0 | 3
Tryeue1 | 3
K4ziuHa | 3
Cu55Ku55___ | 3
elysxxm | 3
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 2
kitsuneHP | 2
boilin_cockroach | 2
Tryeue2 | 2
dezzo | 2
oiiink | 2
Aayan | 2
AstroGalaxy | 2
butterdog_dogwithdabutter | 2
Asuna_Yuuki | 2
FrenchToast | 2
Uncleben | 2
amedy | 2
TooCaution_Heartless | 2
Aberage_emea_fan69 | 2
benjy | 2
| 2
cameran | 2
Pengu12 | 1
FluffyRhino4 | 1
Yessirskiiii | 1
yawnster | 1
jajajaja | 1
danii1 | 1
tomato211222 | 1
kaninv | 1
Powercvrd | 1
Saikko | 1
geometrix | 1
Klaw69 | 1
vitzsu | 1
BuZzfan1 | 1
aJAYYY | 1
Anoymouse | 1
KrithikHarshith | 1
Denjisideals | 1
zappp | 1
Prancer | 1
Shamu | 1
sideshowsbaldhead | 1
Kiko | 1
Rugsssssss | 1
nutab1e | 1
MeloSquids | 1
canyon | 1
froggy_lol | 1
BrotherMan | 1
koromast | 1
EntryKJ | 1
Chunkio | 1
ersagaswdgsadghagtdsg | 1
alecksdesk | 1
cremepie | 1
anyth1ng | 1
Cacachocolat | 1
fnaticENJOYER | 1
Kinga | 1
Conceit | 1
BladePrimus | 1
number1_cned_hater | 1
Ailed | 1
mercuryu | 1
Siigma777 | 1
Nipstyx | 1
AlexSMTxx | 1
StyrofoamOne | 1
kome-natsui | 1
geospliced | 1
envyz | 1
terribletyranny | 1
The_Cleg | 1
Ballsamolee | 1
Mortadelo | 1
JawXG | 1
babysasuke | 1
welikefortniteandvalorant | 1
Kirako | 1
Nachtel | 1
BathW0ter | 1
ct_fd_str | 1
Pooh | 1
gamergirl | 1
thenutoriousPRO | 1
soraol | 1
highlyte | 1
nooomy | 1
AnakinPodracer | 1
Jigabigale | 1
femboyenjoyer | 1
Paraplant | 1
catNmouse | 1


Total 'laundry' Mentions: 95
Unique Users Who Said 'laundry': 70

Ullyr | 5
Laundry | 5
spookmeister | 4
cloudberry | 4
Vesprit | 4
Vampli | 3
number1_MIBRhater | 2
Simp4S0m | 2
FrenchToast | 2
cartixuzi | 2
yukky | 2
| 2
1243 | 1
GLN321 | 1
hekzy | 1
tonyhart7 | 1
Ainz_Ooal_Gown | 1
dexter000111 | 1
soulstalker | 1
angels1query | 1
eggsalt | 1
siphonval | 1
Daddyzin | 1
zidmz | 1
333triplethreat | 1
stratdiff | 1
PootisSpencerHere | 1
lowfive | 1
SanitySP | 1
rincewind | 1
h786 | 1
bonkashi | 1
YeeeStefan | 1
fisherman | 1
dudeeee | 1
VoiD03 | 1
makoidk | 1
unknown_trash | 1
Pusha | 1
m1kah | 1
babybob | 1
Er3ngenes1s | 1
sexocum | 1
Asuna_Yuuki | 1
donkkomong | 1
theycallmetheBEST | 1
DiorOldBoy | 1
leleuu | 1
K4ziuHa | 1
ShuGo | 1
TeoEmil | 1
Rey55 | 1
CookieSir- | 1
Nachtel | 1
Tempest24 | 1
SAMPV6 | 1
De-addy | 1
sideshowsbaldhead | 1
Hades_Loves_Rb | 1
Smartest_Fan | 1
HenBabyH | 1
KyLZi | 1
femboyenjoyer | 1
kskm | 1
tatubolinha | 1
lalaser93 | 1
kudos | 1
UnrivaleD | 1
ShiningTyGuy | 1
Omega_lul | 1



Total 'cloudberry' Mentions: 349
Unique Users Who Said 'cloudberry': 119

yukky | 25
Prancer | 23
H3ENnZ | 21
CanadaMan | 14
cloudberry | 13
Aayan | 10
catNmouse | 9
Laundry | 9
JawXG | 7
z12 | 7
saebr | 7
kalayav_n | 7
Froggy0_0 | 6
n1cf | 6
aquaa018 | 6
Kxtqqh | 5
nobody_100 | 5
geospliced | 5
bronzil_enjoyer | 5
Psion | 4
askrial | 4
Vesprit | 4
1243 | 3
ButterflyEffect23 | 3
Tryeue2 | 3
SnorlaxEnjoyer | 3
tserc | 3
GambleNats | 3
LycheeBlade | 3
ParisVLR | 3
Boketto | 3
BarbaraCult | 3
jawn | 3
FrenchToast | 3
HenBabyH | 3
ValAnalist | 3
31Raven | 3
kfan4238173 | 2
butterdog_dogwithdabutter | 2
andriod1523 | 2
ash_knuckles | 2
nuthoneycheerios | 2
NebularCarina | 2
shrike- | 2
K4ziuHa | 2
boilin_cockroach | 2
unknowntrash | 2
n1zf | 2
trikecycle | 2
Liwus | 2
Conceit | 2
cameran | 2
Prasinos | 2
Clucker | 2
femboyenjoyer | 2
bees | 2
| 2
ersagaswdgsadghagtdsg | 1
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao | 1
Anoymouse | 1
swvyboi1 | 1
juju112 | 1
Simp4S0m | 1
var1ance | 1
ArtemisZ083 | 1
reremus | 1
ct_fd_str | 1
CowRabies26 | 1
nihso | 1
zombzino | 1
DownLoadAimLabs | 1
bruhmphrey | 1
Verstepping33 | 1
| 1
IonlywatchvcjXD | 1
poggers42069 | 1
idkmanwth | 1
valkin | 1
number2_cNed_fan | 1
yellowdonkey | 1
| 1
gold2peak | 1
Upstander123 | 1
botfragger432 | 1
crocodilemaniac | 1
thenutoriousPRO | 1
ItzZausty | 1
Big_Potato | 1
sentekken | 1
Denjisideals | 1
Katharize | 1
Ryujin2K | 1
grisx23 | 1
Harapan845 | 1
my-dad-ate-my-toes | 1
aToppHat | 1
nutab1e | 1
babysasuke | 1
Hyssopus1 | 1
sideshowsbaldhead | 1
c4rrotstix | 1
syncz | 1
nooomy | 1
Dcoo99 | 1
BabyWizard | 1
Yuh_aye | 1
333triplethreat | 1
invert | 1
baroque | 1
lxolotl | 1
Two_Percent | 1
aquaa018s_alterego | 1
elysxxm | 1
VxpxFX | 1
Kaust | 1
StalwartTiger_35 | 1
Blue_Iced_Tea | 1
Shadow_Monarch | 1


Total 'HenBabyH' Mentions: 504
Unique Users Who Said 'HenBabyH': 159

Nlhso | 97
HenBabyH | 37
bronzil_enjoyer | 17
JingggsFamilyLawyer | 16
Laundry | 14
cloudberry | 11
H3ENnZ | 10
DSGFan | 8
Denjisideals | 8
Froggy00 | 8
Clucker | 8
MathMaterial | 8
| 7
Aayan | 7
RandomToastyy | 7
cameran | 7
Ultime | 6
aidmadeit | 6
z12 | 6
n1cf | 5
Prasinos | 5
localkoolkid | 5
Prancer | 4
aquaa018 | 4
31Raven | 4
unknown_trash | 4
boilin_cockroach | 3
ct_fd_str | 3
Vesprit | 3
ctabust | 3
welikefortniteandvalorant | 3
AZDZ | 3
Waking_W | 3
isumorw | 3
CanadaMan | 3
TheAceGamer30 | 2
danii1 | 2
beaverman | 2
Kirya | 2
geospliced | 2
Psion | 2
thenutoriousPRO | 2
theycallmetheBEST | 2
Realm3098 | 2
Sidyon | 2
benjy | 2
sideshowsbaldhead | 2
kfan4238173 | 2
| 2
saynotoherpes | 2
BoF7ooM | 2
askrial | 2
ihatewestjett | 2
Vaaero | 2
lxolotl | 2
Refrainings | 2
zappp | 2
idkmanwth | 2
KClaw | 2
333triplethreat | 2
GodAwfulGod | 2
nobody___100 | 2
Shadow_Monarch | 2
c4rrotstix | 2
nutab1e | 2
Chunkio | 2
shrike- | 2
elysxxm | 2
babysasuke | 2
1243 | 1
dezzo | 1
Tryeue2 | 1
Coopertin0 | 1
AlexSMTxx | 1
DobeXD | 1
number2_cNed_fan | 1
K4ziuHa | 1
pudgy | 1
prx_brina08 | 1
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao | 1
Sir_Johnny123 | 1
acels | 1
laifu | 1
Selfim | 1
alpine007 | 1
EzWinz | 1
Diebs | 1
leboi | 1
ionlyHave1Zuni | 1
Bigglesworth | 1
catNmouse | 1
Ryandr | 1
CoCloudy | 1
SuperRoss | 1
Nef0r0 | 1
LimiNaL | 1
jawn | 1
Conceit | 1
nooomy | 1
Hynix | 1
GlitchGull | 1
bilim | 1
cohnr | 1
PessiPenaldo17 | 1
femboyenjoyer | 1
curlyhole | 1
tipthetim | 1
Crucification | 1
Average_VCTfan | 1
| 1
Zerphyr1 | 1
Cryptic88 | 1
Simp4S0m | 1
Warlordwibz | 1
ParodyAccount | 1
tserc | 1
lead_water_enjoyer | 1
botfragger432 | 1
Kebone | 1
viiseryZ | 1
yumfps | 1
Cucumbers | 1
Mkael_J_Kabo0s3 | 1
MerkFreeks | 1
saebr | 1
AstroGalaxy | 1
Reimsy | 1
void_erebos | 1
alienista1 | 1
Disastered | 1
x_knowitall39x | 1
| 1
LycheeBlade | 1
sp0rtsman | 1
delighted | 1
dort | 1
darklord69 | 1
envyz | 1
condsicc | 1
H3L10S | 1
egann | 1
aquaa018s_alterego | 1
sanknight | 1
nedmon12 | 1
n1zf | 1
BabyWizard | 1
tygers99 | 1
uwukitten | 1
yukky | 1
Dudhi | 1
gamergirl | 1
AlexSMTx | 1
butterdog_dogwithdabutter | 1
Kaust | 1
widepeepofrosty | 1
NebularCarina | 1
FrenchToast | 1
melvinkoekemans | 1


Total 'm4' Mentions: 80
Unique Users Who Said 'm4': 45

Netero | 10
ComradeVonAustria | 9
lielahh | 4
kaesra | 3
EternalXera | 3
MaTrix96 | 3
AcidXD | 3
n1cf | 2
AzShun | 2
patuj | 2
fartnels | 2
widepeepofrosty | 2
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer | 2
PooFaceCe | 2
8440 | 1
idkbro | 1
stewie2k | 1
EU_quiet | 1
RebelHeartXO | 1
Skyss | 1
JiangLi | 1
Vuzy | 1
crashhacker1 | 1
myrrhhee | 1
humankebab | 1
30_bullets_vandal_guy | 1
wuk0ng | 1
Neon74 | 1
ravissant | 1
Sunot | 1
Simp4S0m | 1
ctabust | 1
StockfishZ | 1
Galactc | 1
Apaqt | 1
kfan4238173 | 1
Marshal_D_Teach | 1
DaE_Goose | 1
kapteN | 1
chapati | 1
ChimiChimiChanga | 1
Shownu | 1
Masked | 1


Let’s goooooo I’m clearing m4
Kinda shocked HenBaby is above cloudberry, esp cuz a lot of people say HenBaby instead


wellllll its looking for henhabyh exactly, i can make it look for henbaby instead


wait i also realised this wont work for m4 since its only posts before jan 20


i fuck with most of the people on the cloudberyy mention list
wow, skyberrry really is a phenomenon


Do sigma


Can you do “0/8”


Does ur table have dates in it? Like could u graph out how often a word is said on different dates


nah vlr has no way to tell exact dates, so i couldn't scrape it

i had the dataset publically available but kaggle took it down cause i had 2 accounts lol


Oh damn 😔


Whenever you click on “posted x time ago” it tells u the date for me


holy shit

its on hover for me i never knew this wtf


???? bro what


my bad bro

create a pr and fix it and ill redo it again


also fix the fact that it doesnt get pinned posts lmfaooooo


ok well i tried this, but looks the vlr couldn't make up their mind for timezones in their early days or some shit

and now my date field doesnt match all the way through

for example:
THEBILLDOZER,7,Body text,"Apr 28, 2020 at 6:50 PM CEST",https://www.vlr.gg/2#1
Console-,4,shroud logo guy,"Apr 28, 2020 at 7:01 PM CEST",https://www.vlr.gg/2#2
hekzy,0,What?,"Jun 25, 2021 at 5:44 PM +06",https://www.vlr.gg/46#4
sm0ke3,0,no way,"Jun 25, 2021 at 7:29 PM +06",https://www.vlr.gg/46#5
Rainyy,4,AI generated thread right here,"Mar 8, 2022 at 2:49 AM CET",https://www.vlr.gg/2#12
andrewdamf,0,What happened to @saya i miss him ):,"Mar 8, 2022 at 2:50 AM CET",https://www.vlr.gg/2#13
Mert,0,"sick by Dig, been awesome seeing them rise up the ranks like this","Aug 29, 2020 at 4:08 AM +06",https://www.vlr.gg/2101#14
deva,3,ez4dig,"Aug 29, 2020 at 4:08 AM +06",https://www.vlr.gg/2101#15


this is crazy LMAO is there just not a limit to the amount of times u can start a new line



there is i just dont know the exact amount


must be a lot then wow


it's probably a character count limit instead of lines


oh ye prolly true


just found out, its 8000


oh that is far more than i expected wow


what does this mean yukku
i do not understand this


basically how many posts have x frags

0 | 2279853

so 2279853 have 0 frags


every time a certain amount of downvotes/upvotes happened

left side is votes, right side is how many posts with that amount of votes exist


https://www.vlr.gg/24252/no-politics-religion Has 1904


yeah ran out of space

edit: nvm i just didnt copy and paste the table right


Yukky has so much aura bro he just farms frags


445 is me!!!


Do Demon1


i read this as
vlr frog count
was very disappointed upon clicking


wait so now that you've scraped everything can you do top upvote to post ratio for the whole site? (iirc last time it was just for the users who replied to your thread)


Yeha I could but it’d probably just end up being some guy with < 10 posts who farmed upvotes on some story


how ab setting a min posts like before
500 or 1000 (not sure which works best)


it'd prob just be a pro player/coach or someone with a checkmark
or somehow someone who has 0 downvoted posts (definitely possible)


can u check who is the most active this month on vlr? time to check unemployment leaderboard


Nah sorry I didn’t track dates and this database has posts only up to the 20th

I’m planning on redoing it so I can grab the dates


damn, alr


so who has the most and least upvotes?
im assuming the highest is the default rules page?


highest is no politics and lowest is the post by nexusnomad

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