A better IGL than FNS, a better player than aspas, a better emotional leader than Zellsis. There's nothing he can't do but we're just not ready for those conversations yet ig
Siufatbb on Wolves is the perfect example of a player who looks cracked in ranked but folds the moment he steps onto the big stage. Every time he’s in a clutch situation, you already know how it’s going to end—either whiffing an entire magazine or making a decision so bad it belongs in a Silver lobby. His game sense is about as sharp as a spoon, and his impact in crucial rounds is nonexistent. If Wolves are losing, you can bet he’s at the bottom of the scoreboard, either baiting his team or over-peeking like he's playing deathmatch. The guy has the reaction time of a toaster and the consistency of a coin flip—one round he’ll land a nice flick, and the next five, he’s missing shots so badly that it’s almost impressive. If he’s not getting carried by his teammates, he’s actively dragging them down. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if his coach is just letting him play out of pity.