gc facts bcos y not

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  • no team from GC will ever succeed in tier 1
  • we will get mayyybe 1 or 2 afab t1 players in the future most likely
  • a lot of u are delusional (not the good kind)

Female players need to stop trying to go pro in full female teams, that shit will never work


wait I'm bored why is no one refuting me


because this isn’t a hot take and you just want attention


Point 2 and my conclusion are kinda nuanced though. I think SR are much better off splitting up


again this is not a hot take at all

individually female players are very good, but their league is shit and isn’t yet at the level they need to be to compete in tier 2 let alone tier 1 & it will probably stay that way for a while


individually female players are very good.

A REALLY small amount

their league is shit

I'm saying it will most likely lag behind to the end of time, so players who are good should probably avoid the league


yeah i agree hence why this isn’t a hot take lol


never said it was, title literally says it's facts. And you agree.


yeah and you asked why no one is refuting you and it’s because there’s literally nothing to refute

you literally made this post for no reason ☠️


why are people shitting up the board with their delulu takes then? If this is consensus / not far out the realm of reason then there are like 3 threads up rn that shouldn't even be getting attention

are u saying the majority of vlr is......gasp..... just dumb?

your last point is correct tho :P


yes, everyone on this site is dumb

welcome to vlr


I mean didn’t they say this about CS and now Imperial are kinda popping off now




they are not lol they had like 2 matches where they made it interesting but now they are getting absolutely pounded by some dogshit tier teams


we will get mayyybe 1 or 2 afab t1 players in the future most likely

"facts" -> maybe, 1 or 2, in the future, most likely 😭


I mean there are ones that are clearly better than the rest of them, it's like chess, or olympiads, if u're into those.


0/8 try harder


Didn't know you were Nostradamus to predict the future with factual certainty. I'll be very real with you in that GC players in the vast majority case have a long learning curve before they can get to Tier 1. I've seen some "GC" players who peaked Ascendant or low Immortal and that will always be a far cry from Tier 1/2 where Radiant 1000+ RR beasts are regularly featured. It's gonna take a while, but GC players will get more and more competitive over time increasing their average skill closer to Tier 2. It might take a decade if gets there since CS has been out for well over that and we are now seeing a women's team (Imperial) giving the men's teams a run for their money and impressing with their mechanics.

Likewise will go for GC: they just need a push to work harder, grind longer and reach for higher heights if they dream to make Valorant more of a career than a pastime activity. Furthermore, GC is a pipeline route to feed female and marginalised gender talent into Tier 2 because it is often more difficult for them to get there given the abuse they typically go through in ranked that deters them from going further.

I hope you enjoy this rebuttal to your "facts" and you can at least make some deeper claims than low-hanging bait.


imperial fe is not doing shit bro why are we quoting them

GC players just need to grind harder

LMFAOOO ITS BEEN 5 FUCKING YEARS BRO they literally inaugurated GC at the start of fucking valorant how much longer does it have to be?? If the gap was going to be closed it would've by now this shit is delusion

vlr users love typing hella long word salads, at least make Ur incorrect takes fucking concise


Imperial Valkyries might not be winning, but they are getting closer to the male competition as seen when they went to overtime against FURIA. Naturally these feeder projects are gonna be very slow in terms of progression, but the fact that that female roster is getting a chance on stage against Tier 1 competition and putting up a good fight gives hope to the scene. You ask how much longer does it have to be like you're in a rush to see a GC match but it will take as long as it needs or until RIOT sees it as not feasible to maintain.

If we were to look at Valorant, sure, GC on its own is still a far cry from Tier 1/2. However, during the spotlight tournament, there were definitely some GC players who could shoot back very well. GC started in 2021 and the first championship was in late 2022 so it wasn't exactly the start of Valorant. In addition, this single tournament was 8-teams until this passing year which had 10 teams because the competition pool is still small. It's always gonna be more difficult to improve if the quality of your competition is limited and they're not incentivised to do better. EMEA GC at least has a good level of competition due to the amount of proper orgs invested into it. NA GC on the other hand suffers from only having at max 3 teams and one of those is a super-dominant team which is multiple steps ahead of the competition.

Lastly, there is a whole conversation that could be had about the scrim opportunities GC teams get which they usually do not get that much of. They don't practice against good competition and thus their strats are not as refined or deepened. You can compare this to how recently teams with academy rosters are improving a lot more because they have a consistent scrim partner that they can fully deepen their strats with. As a result, the main team and academy team prosper to do better in their leagues. If GC teams had the opportunity to scrim their Tier 1/2 counterpart, we would see a huge jump in quality, but right now, they are perceived as not worth it.

To summarise that last point for you since I know you're gonna cry about me giving you a proper response, GC players definitely need to improve their mechanics and grind ranked to be on par with Tier 1/2 at the most foundational level of the game. Then they will get the scrims to improve strategy so that they can compete properly. How long that will take is again up to the players and Riot.


The conditions will never get any better than what they were in 2020 - 2022. All things considered, these "feeder projects" did .....kinda achieve their goal of exposure tho, so whatevr I'll give u that. Apart from that they've all failed.


only the 10000th time this has been said

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