According to rumors, BerLin steps down from the active FPX lineup, he will be replaced with Shr1mp.
AAAY will transition to the Controller role, Shr1mp will become the new Initiator-IGL for FPX.
who? 😠?????
germany capital
Aleast bro gonna use util before dying. Already an upgrade. AAaay is a shooter on any role.
Shr1mp was on Q9 right? I remember him being decent
yeah, Shr1mp played for Q9 and JiJieHao
Chat are we cooked? AAAAY is not too good with util tbh. Probably would rather Autumn play controller, while we can have AAAAY on Sentinel. Maybe then he can just shoot instead of focusing too much on util.
They have three senti players on the team if ay transitions
I don't trust AAAAY on controller, that's all.
how can a shrimp lead a man
Shr1mp will provide inspirational leadership to FPX I believe
I immediately thought of Boostio when I saw Shr1mp lmao
putting AAAY on smokes will either be the best or worst decision ever