Hi looking to buy a monitor. Want the best just for response time and just clicking head. Don’t know jack shit really. Don’t care about the price too much. Before you say it isn’t worth it currently I’m imm2 on a lg 100hz monitor. Looking to go to like 360hz. I only play casually but an injury has sidelined me recently so I can no longer rock climb. I’m thinking about getting more into gaming again. I played a lot when I was younger. Is zowie the best is dynac better than ulmb 2 wtf does any of that even mean. If anyone could help a dude out appreciate it very much.
Should have included I pc that can handle it. get like 600-700fps. It’s for rendering my footage lol.
(There is a lot of interaction sorry for everyone I can’t say thank you too for responded mainly just read the post here. Don’t post wasn't aware of timer!)