I think we check all the boxes. I mean we have the passion and synergy. VLR is also chalked full of lovable characters like myself.
any forum with HenBabyH is the best forum on the internet
They are going to try to silence you, but keep speaking your truths Goat!
the cloudberries would 26-0 made in brampton btw
im so deadass when im telling you we will set this shit up rn and my team will own whoever is on the cloudberries
Idk about that kinda thing but I'd honestly be down to scrim every once in a while tbh
who is on your team and what are they ranks
Kamui like b2 but peak g3 Topphat plat1 I think Prancer G3 He3nz s1 Cloudberry s1(?) Sideshowbaldhead s1 Askrial s1(?)
i was talking shit for no reason our average rank is silver if you guys are above like plat you could probably actually 26-0 us
kalayav_n missed opportunity 💔
I need all my soldiers to upvote every HenBabyH thread to counter these evil menaces who instantly give him -20 frags.
i need all my sane soldiers to downvote HenBabyH thread to counter these evil dumbasses who instantly ride his dick
I don't comment on other forums so maybe yes, but there are too many bum 16 year olds here, so my positive effect cancels out.