If you play sage in ranked, you are dogshit. You play sage thinking "oh, i can't shoot so ima heal" and you forget you have a slow orbs and you only wall when someone tells you. every time I see a sage in ranked i'm praying it's Grim because if its anyone but him then i'm assuming its an ekitten paying their boosting jett money or paying them in e pussy, just for the jett to go 2/13 on attackers side and ask why you're not entering, BITCH I"M STUNNING FOR YOU SO YOU CAN KILL THEM BUT YOUR EKITTEN DOESN'T KNOW HER Q KEY EXSISTS SO THE ENEMY WALKS OUT OF A SMOKE 3 ROUNDS IN A ROW AND KILLS U AND YOUR CLUELESS EKiTTEN BUT YOU THINK THE STUNNED GUY SHOULD ALSO BE BLINDED. BITCH I'M THE ONLY REASON WE ENDED THE HALF WITH 5 ROUNDS. Moral of the story. Sage is a good agent if you remember her abilities exists but the people who play her are clueless