i heard from a trusted source this could be happening in 2027 what do you think
Omg is that magixx's idol himself? can you force the broky to navi agenda more plz :)
broky sucks u noob go back to half life tv
broky can shit on zywoo, monesy and sh1ro at the same time, he just doesn't want to
broky so humble, he allow opponent opportunity to win trophies he already have. so inspirational.
point is, broky is the most entertaining awper since prime s1mple and prime kennys. either he makes you cream with his quickscopes or he makes you laugh with his whiffs.
100% the way hes missing ez shots then geting 1v3 clutches in ot its amazing
the broky moment was when he 4k'd on ramp while fucking alt tabbing
Nrg Berno
that is NOT funny brno is a VERY serious city in the nation of czechia do NOT make fun of them
Are you from Atlanta
no but i am relatively close
proud to be said trusted source
Only will happen if faze win cluj napoca
Wouldn't Prague be a more interesting choice?
brno is 10x better
Why. I'm czech and I don't know why Brno would be better than Prague
poloolpp cultural impact clears prague sorry
brno has giant phallic object in town square
prague just looks like a nice city to visit, the architecture looks amazing
this is like my 2 worlds colliding bro cuz I'm on vlr for valorant (duh) but I follow you on twitter for my shit CS opinions 😭 is this magixx?
Only if broky mvps cluj
wait why does magixx fuck with this random he's tagging him and shit are they lovers 👉🏻👈🏻😈
Masters Bratislava better imo
masters cagliari better imo
masters erdenet bro shit will bang
I'd rather Ljubljana
Masters Dumaguete
should be in brest