cn: trace - even though they're top 2 and qualified people don't really respect them and didn't at last years champs either until they cooked. people still say CN is a 1 team region. trace are a genuinely good team they even beat lev at champs
amer: kru - everyone says they're mid and they're always underdogs but they actually do pretty well consistently. last year they were like 6-0 domestically and always good for an upset win. honourable mention mibr not just aspas and friends
emea: bbl - i know they lost to liquid so i should say liquid but man did liquid have some shockingly bad maps. really cool core for bbl and sociablee is looking clean. jampii free from liquid seems like a whole new man. GX also seemed better than expected
apac: boom - underrated team going 0-2 is a tough one to sell ngl but they made those series close and competitive vs some of apac's better and more confident rosters. they wont be qualifying for any masters this year (imo) but i'd be surprised if they didnt give us some banger series vs top teams during the regular season and maybe finish around the middle of apac. HM: dfm and maybe talon since everyone says talon suck but they dont
if i had to choose 1 from every team i'd probably say trace then kru tbh