But Cauan played a Masters before that, on Nip.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 5, 2024 |
Last post: | March 20, 2025 at 12:45 PM |
Posts: | 155 |
But Cauan played a Masters before that, on Nip.
Actually they can improve a lot just changing roles and promoting players from academy
Gobera - Duelist
Askia - Initiator
Brinks - Smokes
Sillentz - Sentinel
Zap - IGL/Flex
What do you guys think about it? For me, the comps actually are shit, they need to change it soon
The only superteam possible:
Aspas (Duelist)
Less (Sentinel)
Pancada/Xenon (Smokes)
Spikezin (Initiator or Flex)
Artzin (IGL / Flex or Initiator)
At least at the moment, this is the best team possible
Blowzin is too young, he only can play next year as I know
Desire > Urango, we don't need IGL, just a Initiator. Urango is good, as a IGL.
Basic is playing well for a long time, it's not from today. Just look him in the other teams, he was the best player of Gremio Split 3
I think mibr MUST pick one of these for Split 2:
• Spikezin - The best option, an excelent flex, and the best aim in the list (The most expensive to get)
• Basic - The best initiator in the Tier 2, he is literally PEAK
• Desire - He have the aim, and one of the best clutch players in tier 2
For now I don't see problem on going with a NA player, but just until Split 2.
Ele é mono raze, com qualquer outro duelista ele esquece como joga, parece um pino akakaksks
How drunk you are?
Respect my GOAT, patati
Se o Tuyz sair da Loud, ele nem fica no Brasil. Tem mercado na europa tranquilamente
Cada merda que o dom da visão me proporciona enxergar
Os caras só olham status no vlr, não analisam a performance nos jogos. Sendo que ano passado Tuyz liderou os status em vários mapas, e foi o mais consistente do time, enfim né, o tamandua pro é que sabe o que diz
Tá mal hein, foi contra EG, não 2g
Concordo, mas tem uma grande diferença dessa Loud pra Loud do ano passado. Desde o início as composições do ano passado passavam a sensação de insuficientes, que quando um time estudasse, iria quebrar eles facilmente. E foi o que aconteceu.
E não acho que seja soberba deles, todo mundo cagou na cabeça do time por terem perdido o kickoff, e dizendo que o Vinny é um jogador medíocre. Ele tá no direito de cansar de ser bonzinho
Tu é o cara mais chato desse VLR, disparado
Tô falando que essa Furia é promissora desde o início, mas a galera fica subestimando
Prefiro Shion IGL do que Klaus ou Urango
Mas acho que o Spike de IGL não ia jogar de duelista igual aksksksks
É só rumor, e nem foi confirmado pelos jornalistas ainda. Pode acontecer, mas é só rumor
Mas o tkzin jogou muito mano
Moose minimized the game while defusing, and the Spike exploded
That must be bait, or they are dumb. Just these 2 options
Spike still clears with neon, even with the nerf. Just the Neon abusers will be doomed
Because they are sentinels
When NRG started in Franchise, they get the Optic Lineup, but didn't continue with Yay and Marved. A big mistake in my opinion
Loud: -Aspas +qck
Nrg: -yay + ardiis
Loss joga demais, esse mlk vai brilhar muito ainda
Why Demon1 so high? He literally just played well Champions, and if wasn't for Mibr he didn't even appears in that list
And by your logic, Jawgemo on D? Don't make sense, he had the same results as Demon1
Ok, all Furia roles are wrong.
Mwzera - Initiator
Havoc - Duelist
Raafa - Flex
Heat - Sentinel
Gobera will play as Flex, not as Duelist
Gobera é um ótimo player. O suficiente pra repor a perca do spike? Acho que não, mas ainda assim é uma line promissora
Snw probably going to Mibr Academy if everything went well
Without Mibr, EG didn't even exists in Valorant Scene
He's the most consistent player on VCB
And, almost destroyed 2Game dream
Furia too, they get Heat and Raafa, also Havok going to duelist is a big upgrade. They can be on top 6 easy
Also, Cortezia and Xenom are beasts, they are even better then Lukxo and Spikezin on VCB
Mano, só dia 9 e 10 vai ter stream, as de hoje e amanhã só se algum player fizer stream, pois não vai ter em lugar nenhum
It's because they doesn't know the brasilian players so well. I think all teams in Americas are very stacked, and the brasilian teams can also be on top, we can only do a tierlist after they play at least one game.
Your mom loves Brazil, and the famous Pau Brazil
Só vejo vantagens kakaakaka