- Boaster
- Boostio
- Saadhak
- Muchkin
- Nobody
IGL Name - Tier 1 Teams they have been on - Region
List of Notable IGLs:
Saadhak, FNS, Boostio, Shahzam, Valyn
Dephh+Ayrin, kiNgg, Vanity, Steel, Klaus, Melser
Mitch, Hazed, Poised, Stellar, dazzLe, NaturE, runi, Marved, Zander, Frosty, Babybay, Rawkus
Boaster, Ange1, Redgar, Bonecold, Johnqt
MrFaliN, Koldamenta, Boo, pAura, Nukkye, Sayf, Rhyme, Cender
Bonkar, ScreaM, Enzo, Zeek, Starxo, Magnum, beyAz, SouchNi, ec1s, Zeddy
Munchkin, Stax
MaKo, Laz, Carpe, Crws, JessieVash, Benkai - idk too many more
Nobody, BerLIN
There is a difference top frag IGL and a top IGL. Top IGL is one who sets up his team for successful sites capture and retakes. Basically its majorly his job to set his team up for wins. And Forsaken maybe a fragging IGL but he ain't a good "caller" IGL. PRX just run set strats and do very less defaulting and its their cracked aim which compensates their averaging calling and reading abilty. Kingg and Valyn are both Top IGLs with fragging ability. JohnQT is another guy. Saadhak and Boaster used to be one too.
TF?!!!!!!! bro FNC 2021 (idk 2022 i didnt watch), FNC 2023 were amazing. FNC 24 was way more competitive than they are right now.
All compared to right now which is shit, their performance right now is shit shit shit in 21-24 it was NOT. bro in 24 they won emea stage 1 emea stage 2 and they got 5-6th at champions.
this year they didnt even make international. bro i think ur brain is lost somewhere in these forums and i am so sorry i hope you arrive to find it some day because clearly it was lost awhile ago somewhere. 1000 posts 0 star this is the quality that shows of your takes bro legit worse sewer tier then r/valcomeptitive circle jerk
U are so funny bro. People report me for hate comments so I got no stars. First of all nobody cares about stars. Second, in 2024 too they never made to international after kickoff. They won their regional leagues and still crashed out early internationally. This year they might repeat the same. FNC 2021 was decent at best. They came 2nd at Reykavik, could'nt make it to Berlin and came 5th at champions 2021. Bro, winning regional leagues doesn't hold much importance. Come with better arguments next time then being a narrate word.
( 5th year consistent on top low and highs but still kept his head up...most apperances, only IGL with 2 internationals....leaded his team every year and his team at least at one point of the year was considered best team in EMEA: 2021 REJKJAVIK ,2022 went as 1st seed copenhagen , 2023 no need to talk ,2024 won both stage 1 and 2 EMEA ) 2023 best season a team had 1st 1st 4th(and if it was not for loud in champs I think would be over for EG and PRX CAUSE FNATIC IS MOST SCARY TEAM IN BO5......take in account 2023 league was not serious in my opinion last time his team lost a B05 was 2021 rejkjavik to SEN(even tho was 3-0 scoreline doesn't tell you how close it was...all 3 were 2 rounds diff
(leading a team coming from minor region in video games history and giving champs trophy ...losing 2 champ winners players and still make the team finish high is to be recognized ...LOCK IN 2nd , Americas league winners, 3rd champs).his shooting skills are superior to other IGLS IN list but 2024 after madrid made him drop
(while his mechanical skills lack a bit there is no denying he was a good IGL with that ENVY/optic ROSTER.....3 finals played made him on par with other 2 above on most final played but his NV run and also whole 2022 need to be recognized
1st 3rd 2nd....most consistent year ...2nd to boaster... difference is doesnt surpass as shooter sadhaak and boaster consistency to much aganist him...cause after tokyo 2023 everything fell apart even now
GAMBIT BEFORE HIM was not good failed to qualify for rejkjavik bla bla....the moment they dropped IGL and redgar came in all changed ...GAMBIT became that dominant master winner ....went final champs lost 3-2 to ascend which was luckiest win ever I said it (ascend got lucky)
unfortunatly GAMBIT disbanded cause UKRAINE HAPPEND and I belive Gambit would have been best team ever if it wasnt for matters out of their hand,,,,TL TIMES were good also won 2023 LEAGUE over FNATIC (impresive considering how fnatic was back then) but after sadly not that much
hot take maybe, but BOO stepped up massively as player in 2024 as IGL and player
lead a young and inexperienced team to top
benjy had some experience ...but other 3 guys were never in tier 1 and to lead them to what heretics became in 2024 is insane
2nd kickoff
2nd stage 1
2nd shanghai
3rd stage 2
2nd champs
and his team still looking great now
BOO WAS best igl of 2024 the fact that other teams were already experienced...TH came from nothing
johnqt team to incosistent 2024
munchkin might have been at this if he didnt bomb out of champs and now he is out early
nobody was just 1 event cant rate on recency bias
not much to say nowadays but cant deny this guy in 2022 was great leader and the fact how he lead his team to adapt every playstyle in copenhagen is insane....I still think if FPX attended rejkjavik they would have won ...for their first international event they won and did great
boostio was the last reason EG WAS SO GOOD HE IS GETTING EXPOSED NOW...GIVE HIM 5th place if you want but
demon1 coming , jawgemo and Com steeping up ,Ethan smart plays and potter leadership were puzzle pieces which came somehow and luckily didnt see fnatic in lower finals champs cause they would be forgotten........LOOK at each of them now.....jawgemo is the only good standing
his whole legacy came from the fact that 100T cant beat a team with a assistant coach as substitute player.....Eg wouldnt make tokyo and maybe champs would be a dream
if ur putting a guy that has 1 masters trophy and a 2nd in champions in the first year of international valorant where everyone was ass over a guy who got 2nd at masters and won the biggest trophy in arguably the most competitive year of valorant until now, you have severe brain damage
boostio >>>>>>>> redgar
arguably most competitive?????????????? where whole 2023 were only 4 teams dominated
fnatic Eg prx loud
the rest were to far
2021 was more competitive after rejkjavik cause everyone was new everyone could make something
vision strikers came with 100 win streak record
sentinel defending champs
100 T NV
fnatic for revenge...gambit and ascend to take EU
minor regions who could do damage cause everything could have happened
EG whole year came as a factor cause 100T lost to a team playing with sub and missed their spot