my glorious king meiy finally has good teamates and now will carry dfm to masters bangkok
s3xture might diff meiy but idk
meiy 1st on rating 2nd on acs 2nd on kd 1st on adr 1st on kpr
texture not even top 10 on any of these stats
stats dont say everything but from consistency , Meiy 2025>>>>>t3xture 2025
meiy is literally carrying dfm and s3xture is barely hanging by
t3xture just had a bad game against DRX and went +3 against meiy
Meiy might be comparable individually mechanics wise or skill wise. But dfm is way worse than geng overall. Duelist performance is dependent a lot on the team's overall performance.
isnt that saying texture cant frag out cuz geng's overall performance is shit? i dont know what ur trying to say
depends on how DFM play today
lakia might be the goat in terms of utility cuz t3xture looked way more nuclear last year not as if he bad now but he doesnt look as destructive
l0ki0 0f v0l0r0nt
nah ppl shit on lakia for his aim but his utility is nice
Lakia was good, but there is no way you can argue that yoman wasn't an upgrade
Aim wise yes, Utility wise no
yeah, i still think we should give yoman time ngl cuz he has aimed better on other places hopefully he can stepup
i was wrong today but DFM will be back