Tomorrow map pool & score predictions


If kru don't ban haven vs loud they might actually be braindead. they fucking suck on that map (specially TR) and loud had enough time to study them even more. but im assuming they will. thing is their permaban seems to be Pearl so they're not confident on that map, so Loud might pick it. i also think loud will want to force Sova maps as most as they can because Adverso's Sova seems like a weak link for them. so the map pool for Kru vs Loud might be:

Pearl - Abyss - Bind

Considering Kru might be bad at Pearl and Loud might antistrat the fuck out of Abyss, im going 2-0 Loud, but if Kru wins a map it could actually be 2-1 to them. they do have the momentum, but i think loud didnt lose a lot of steam from Sen's match because of how close it actually was, and overall i feel like loud is way more solid team.

Lev permaban is Bind, and MIBR is Fracture. With Fracture banned Lev might pick Lotus because Mibr is not great on it. Mibr first pick seems to be abyss and they're confident in it with 2 wins, but Lev also left for decider vs G2 so they might be confident in it too. Mibr seems to like playing Pearl more than Split, but idk how Lev feels about Pearl after being dogwalked by G2, so it depends on which one gets to choose last. Im going with:

Abyss - Lotus - Haven (Split)

i'm considering Haven if MIBR chooses last and Split if Leviatan chooses last, because i feel like both would choose these maps for antistrat reasons. MIBR haven't played Haven yet so it's easier to hide it from Lev and Lev would choose Split for the exact same reason (avoiding one-sided antistrating). They could also pick Pearl but i think they both would want to play Haven and Split instead

With that map pool Lev could do a solid 2-0, but im thinking Mibr will win 2-1 because they look good on both Abyss and Split (and probably Haven too) and they have the momentum. they might be more tired and Lev had more time to study them though, so it wouldn't be crazy to side with Lev

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