yay = washed fns = washed marved = washed victor = ? crashies = still decent
All good.
crashies is not still decent
ehh he's alright
crashies is also washed, victor is the only one that is kinda good
we don't even know that
he was pretty aight last year on both senti and duelist, these other bums play on comfort roles and still cannot do shit
crashies is not still decent lmao. Sure he is filling in for Leo but he is dragging them down ngl
They’re all fucked
Is marved really washed tho?
bro is just guessing
He never seemed particularly “bad” just mid. And it’s hard to be anything above mid if the entire team just isn’t good and isn’t working. + Ethan igl
it a meme. LMAO
marved just lazy asf i swear bro
marved is good he just didnt try on nrg because hes lazy. Which makes him a bad player
bro crashies entire role on FNC is to drone, dart, and then get carried. He's washed.
Aspas = goated Less = goated Pancada = goated Saadhak = goated Sacy = goated
Actually its funny how after Istambul not only Optic lost the trophy, but also lost all their ground and had a imense fall off.
calling crashies still "decent" might have been the worst take ive seen tonight on vlr
fun fact: crashies has bottom fragged every map other than fracture, where he hasnt bottom fragged once
decent is a stretch
"washed" they were never good