Shotguns should be nerfed especially in this "tac shooter". Shorty just became a "free get out" card a lot ot pros are using rn. Not just opers but almost every team is snow balling with
I hate when people complain about the shotguns when they do what they need to do at short range. Judge got nerfed because it was genuinely busted especially on Split. Bucky got nerfed in early Valorant because it was like a Season 0 Fortnite Pump Shotgun. Shorty does not need a nerf when it's killing people at short range. I can see a pullout time nerf just like hmazuur said, but even then, the shotguns are designed to win more at close range.
Jinggg losing 2 times in the same spot at bottom-mid on Abyss to gyen's shorty was more down to Jinggg's complacency to punish gyen's push the first time and then not learn the second time that gyen loves pulling out the shorty.
It's a good sidearm for short range angles and does good burst damage. The shorty has been used for years. If it's that much of an issue, you can play Vyse and then teams will feel more inclined to buy Sheriffs which is more economically expensive. In the majority of cases, the shorty seems pretty fine. If the pull out time were any slower, it'd take away from the aggressive risk taking some players make.