korea this korea that

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I recognized they're the more talented region but look at how them playing at seoul versus sea players that got uprooted from their countries. Look at americas the na vs sa players also look so different because it's at LA while brazil before franchising at a single spot was a powerhouse. Feels like home advantage plays a huge part in why certain regions play better in Multi region leagues


nah bruh kr teams are just better
thanks to them we got our first trophy or pac wouldve been a zero trophy region for who knows how long


they useing their 3 slot correctly yes & they get the talent

opportunity meets capability


brother korean t2 t3 teams can scrim against t1 apac teams meanwhile sea teams would struggle to scrim the t1 apac teams because all of them are in seoul. Talent can only show when given opportunity. Right now the sea talent pool is very underscouted and unproved vs korean t2 talent that kr teams already play scrims against


yeah i agree that also matter, bcuz they can have the best scrim and shi

but u can blame the orgs to then when its comes to not giving the opportunity, bro we got a lot of talent in our country, remember RRQ first franchise roster ? wasting fucking 1 years for nothing and they dicide to fix their problem this years, its already to late indo valo is already doom


what is this cope when nongshim literally won a 17-15 OT against boom in their home country indonesia & geng won in shanghai when the chinese crowd were cheering against them every game? but it's sea teams who need the benefit of a home crowd or some kind of locational comfort? and that kr teams are good because they play at home?

as for the whole scrim thing because of how close Asia is as a region you know that all teams can scrim all the other Asian teams lol right they don't all play on KR servers. if the league was hosted in Jakarta or something the Korean T2 teams would still be able to scrim Pacific teams lol..

this level of whining is actually insane, massive respect to japanese fans for watching their teams shit the bed day in day out and not complain about some random useless bullshit and strictly focus on direct issues within their teams and not external factors outside of it.


Your in Europe motherfucker my country literally is the width of your continent weym scrims are fine NA and SA had trouble scrimming how do you think korea and sea scrim aren't having trouble as well. I think korea is indeed the best talent pool in asia but saying that these aren't massive problems that fucks sea t2 talents also undermine the point. Two things could be right korea is better and sea is getting fuck by the seoul franchising spot.


i'm not european i have this flag to honour Twisten's memory you sick fuck.

stop coping

NA and SA are on two different continents meanwhile pretty much all Asian teams get 40-ish ping to Hong Kong servers which is where the majority of Asian ranked players play on.
sea is getting fucked by their inability to either properly manage their rosters (RRQ first roster, or TS swapping coaches pre-playoff) or their orgs have issues (BLEED was your richest org and 2nd best org prefranchising lol) or they just choke important games (RRQ, TS, PRX)


any coherrent point in disagreeing with my statement? or are you just doing the cope thing as the argument

also RIP twisten


i'm just pointing out how badly you're crying rn when you have had more slots than Korea since the start of franchising, probably the most beloved team in the world in 2022, 2023, and 2024, and a better T2 scene than Korea. And now you're streaming tears, sobbing, ugly crying about how after 2~3 whole years playing in Seoul for a LOT of these players (PRX roster, TS roster, RRQ roster - Kushy), it's actually the location that benefits Korean teams and disadvantages SEA teams to the point where it's a legitimate point of concern and detriment to SEA teams. You know, despite the fact that Korean teams have seemingly played decently outside of home soil - aka, they don't seem to experience the issues you claim plague SEA teams.


arche is literally everyone favorite korean vlr user 😠


don't ask them about SEA always having more franchise slots now, international slots in the past, and free byes to playoffs. no, it's always been Riot pandering to korea :|
it's just people grasping to any excuse atp


They complain about Riot this Riot that but I don't see any complaints about actually relevant issues like SEA orgs just failing to properly incorporate their domestic talent. It took almost the full season for Talon to get Primmie, because Fr0sT didn't like his first impression. Why weren't people mad about that? What about the constant complaining about Estrella being a double agent despite Monyet kinda shitting the bed during today's game and Estrella actually being kinda decent?

For example, why is Juicy on Wolves and why did no SEA team pick up ex-DSG (like grumble?) Why is Sultan teamless even though both he and dos9 were insane?


man idk y'all gotta stop crying abt this


They're good, we got to suck it and improve.
We had our moments in the past, maybe our time is in the future


its just facts and statistics that korean is a superior region in esports. no need to argue


brazil as a region was still ass before franchising
the bigger problems are the orgs not having the best interests for their regions + insane buyouts for t2 players


The biggest difference is the way talent has been scouted and developed.
Teams like DRX have had academy rosters since the dawn of valorant.
And you look at SEA where some of the most talented players have been stuck in T2 due to contract issues.

There has been a huge turnover of korean talent in the last 3 years which has provided new talent opportunities and some old talent a chance in different environments.

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