sen vs loud

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sen pick bind
loud pick split
map 3 lotus

do u agree and who wins
i think this is a 3 mapper/close series

also depending on how bans go loud could also go haven instead of split and if sen have the first ban it can also go pearl map 3 if loud prefer that to lotus


LOUD take map 1 13-0
LOUD take map 2 13-0

Zekken drops 4 kills both maps

Lock it in




thats actually impressive


what, the amount of crack he did before writing #2 or the copypasta


Loud picks haven 80%/ split maybe 20%
I think Sen picks either Bind or Lotus
Abyss and Fracture might get 1st banned by the teams
Pearl 3rd map.

I think Sen wins. Loud need a hot start to win because this iteration Sen roster showed tendencies towards tilting/slow starts, if the first half of the first map is any less than 7-5 for loud, I think Sen outclasses them over the course of the series.

I dont think Loud can win raze maps against Sen because I dont trust dgzin's rifling as much. Even in jett maps I think loud need to get a hot start to get the awp early. Also I wasnt convinced by their attack sides in all 3 maps so far. Split attack side looked lacklaster, they just went mid and waited for opponent mistakes, They won hero/walking around rounds on haven against KRU as well. Their pearl attack looked bit better. I feel like they won a lot of aftack rounds by opponents mistakes in general, I dont know how they are gonna deal with retake heavy team like SEN.


I'm just interested to see how good each of the teams actually are. LOUD has already exceeded my expectations, but seem like a team that's gonna rely on a lot of momentum. I think that SEN should be really good this year, but idk if they are there yet. But heavy agree with ur take that LOUD likely needs to snowball a great start to win this one.


I don't think loud will pick Split because Cauanzin said on a vlog that they're working on a map pool to adapt to the opponent strenghts and weakness, besides Sen having lost 13-4 vs 100t i think they wouldn't pick it because 1) It was Sen's map pick and it could just be an off day 2) Sen has a lot of anti-strat material. I think they will either second ban it (Unlikely because it seems like they have two fix map bans Abyss and Fracture) or leave it open for Sen pick/3rd map. What i think they will pick is either Lotus or Bind, because it seems like good maps (let it open on both games) where Sen couldn't anti strat them (but also consider Loud couldn't antistrat Sen on Lotus). At the same time Sen also banned Haven vs 100t, so i think loud MIGHT pick it, but i think it will be a risky choice and they will probably bet on a safe map.

It's hard to predict Sen because it's been one game so we don't have a pattern yet, but i think they might pick Pearl or Split because it's strong maps (again, Split vs 100t might just be a off day - no one picks a map without being confident in it) of antistrats against loud, who has less material of them. So considering they might ban Split because they might not be confident on it anymore, im thinking it will be:

Pearl (Sen) - Bind (Loud) - Lotus (Decider)

I think this map pool is 50/50, Pearl is a good map for both on their showing, Loud Bind is a mystery but they could antistrat Sen (which seemed also great on Bind), and Lotus is a mystery. I'm leaning to a 2-1 Sen but i really think both teams could win and even pull it off a 2-0 on a great day. It's going to be close tho


I don’t think Sen will pick split either so I could see it being maybe their second ban or they leave it for map 3


what might also happen is they pick abyss first map which is also a mystery and will make the whole thing a mess. or even loud pick fracture, since sen banned it first, if they let it open. hard to predict


there is no world where sen pick bind


SEN picks pearl no? (If LOUD doesnt ban it)

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