M4 is a persona that was created by babysasuke on February 20th of 2024. He created the account originally just to be an alt, this would be the first alt account of a couple that babysasuke would make. The other account… was spongebob. Yes, Babysasuke is and was behind both the m4 and spongebob account.
After successfully baiting as spongebob, Babysasuke would fall into a rather deep depression. He needed to bait, but nothing could top the tomfoolery that was spongebob. This is when he started to devise a plan for his “m4” account. He decided to start posting periodically on the account, trying his best to create the idea that m4 was just a “regular” vlr account. All while this was happening, babysasuke had been developing a posts. It took him 6 months to craft the post. He went to extreme lengths to make sure that this post would be the perfect bait. He was able to finish his masterpiece, the thread to top all threads. Babysasuke had completed the “100T Coaching Search Application” post. The amount of coverage the post has received has been to no surprise for babysasuke.
As to why he chose 100t to be the centerpiece of his post… Babysasuke, though it may not seem true, is very knowledgeable on the topic of valorant. 100t had been in a state of decline and babysasuke understood that and took advantage of it. He constructed the post and then waited for the perfect time to post it. He made sure to post it around the same time as the inevitable collapse of 100t.
You might be wondering as to why I am so well informed about this topic. How could I have possibly known about this entire operation?
What you have read is the truth and the whole truth, except for one small detail. Spongebob and m4 were not the only alt accounts made by babysasuke. There was more alt account that I failed to mention. An alt account that was created on April 23rd of 2024. An account whose name was based off the “Baby” from babysasuke. That’s right…
I am babysasuke.