Yo what resolution and video settings do you guys use when you play? Thanks!
yes and yes
Depends on the weather
I don't usually give resolution much thought, I'm not the type to change that so I think I'm on default which is 1920x1080 for me
For video settings I'm playing on all low, other than UI which is medium
my only real answer ty haha
1366x768, all low. or you can lower it to 1280x960 to get bigger look on enemies
1920x1080 + all low
1440x1080 Low texture mid with bloom and 2xMSAA (only play on laptop when i am travelling or at college events or trips )
I use native because its 2560x1600, scaling down to 1920x1200 looks blurry asf. Low settings generally but I switch to high sometimes but UI is always high
the normal one
1280x960 blackbars
Last one š¦ i forgot the dimension but yeah last one and low + bloom on
i use the lowest res that my laptop lets me use which is something like 1280x960
it looks very pixely initially but you get used to it