Will we see a tier 2 CIS league in EMEA?

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before reading anything further, read this: https://www.vlr.gg/73510/russia-ukraine

With the Russo-Ukrainian War presumably coming to an end soon, do you think we'll finally see Riot reinvest in the CIS region?

We've had so much talent from the region in tier 1, and they've performed at the highest level in every international league (maybe Americas and demon1 is a stretch)
Recently, players like dos9 and notably sultan have voiced their opinion on there not being a place for Kazakh players to play, so it's more than just Russian talent which has been effected.

For those who started watching after 2022, we did in fact have CIS representation in 2021, and briefly in 2022 so I think it would be a massive disservice if Riot didn't reinvest in the region.


I hope so, CIS, Eastern Europe and Turkey are literally the backbone of EMEA talent pool and CIS deserves it's own league infinitely more than Italy, Portugal and Northern Europe


Yeah, they defo do.
I made a post about my current dissatisfaction of how they've split up EMEA.
This is how I'd imagine the leagues to be in a perfect world: https://www.vlr.gg/427989/this-shit-is-so-ass/#23


Hope so, though I do kinda wonder if it's a bit too late for it to achieve much, the opportunity for the game to be huge in the region may have passed, especially since Riot invest fuck all into Tier2


Yeah, I can see why that could a concern. But honestly with how much of a passion the region has for FPS in general, I don't see there being an issue. Look at how much CIS talent we already have in tier 1, even despite there not being clear pathways for players. I think it's a 'build it, and they will come' type of situation


First on release voice chat was entirely disabled for Russians which made many people quit
Then Russians werent allowed to buy vp
Plus a lot of problems with ping and servers
On top of that theres no cis league in tier 2 and every Russian player is counted as import or either has to be an ltr

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