kamo is a very talented player, trust me :)
I recall skimming this reddit thread and using the links on it when they were still available
Not an expert on what happened though.
Dude was racist and somehow changed in 1 minute. what a fucking cool story about poor racist guy, not even his fault. he wass a victim, went to volounteers for an anti racism organization (privatly.but everyone know about it), how about not being piece of shit at first place. You dont born being racist, you figure this shit out and you dont change like that, two faced
he took responsibility well before TL signed him? it just got brought up because ppl got mad at TL for signing him and the person who decided to sign him made a long post talking about how he sat down and talked to him about it all and looked into all the stuff he was doing to take responsibility and then decided he believed him and that he was actually trying to become a better person.