Quais são os 5 piores mapas na opinião de vocês ?
1 - Fracture ( de longe o pior mapa do jogo) 2 - Pearl 3 - Breeze 4 - Sunset 5 - Icebox
Sunset out abyss in and that's my list.
1 - Fracture 2 - Sunset 3 - Abyss 4 - Split 5 - Bind
Abyss is the only answer
Breeze #1 after that it doesnt matter
fracture hate is crazy only people plat and below dont like it imo pearl isnt the best but its better than icebox, breeze, sunset, and abyss split and bind is just wrong no one agrees with that attrocious take
1 - abyss 2 - breeze 3 - icebox 4 - fracture (may change now that its back) 5 - dont really got a 5th, maybe lotus? map a bit too big for me
Fking breeze, both site is awful and disgusting
I speak for everyone that its not sunset
pearl is goated do not slander my baby