kyro1 power rankings but pacific this time

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  1. T1

    big upgrade the org is taking this roster very seriously and what they showed in the off season was very promising

  2. GenG

    Looked pretty good during the offseason some rough spots but the only ? i have is foxy9 and how he compares to meteor i feel safe putting them around here

  3. Talon

    this team likes to game the system which i think leads to why they are perceived as inconsistent but i think this team will start very hot and cool off towards the end but i have a lot of faith in frost as coach to make sure this team reaches multiple events this year also one thing i dont think people give enough credit for is talon brought primmie into the team and with 1 week of practice beat team secret who most people thought looked very good towards the end of the year just kinda speaks to the potential a full season could have.

  4. Nongshim

    team showed a lot of potential during ascension and from what i here they beat everyone in scrims id expect them to be consistent throughout the regular season to at least make champs

  5. Paper Rex

    the players are obviously talented but they lack an identity as a team at the moment i could see them making an event but done are the days where i think this roster can win something

  6. DFM

    big upgrade and a good off season but i kinda already thought the roster would be good i think they will be upper middle of the pack kind of a gate keeper team this year

  7. DRX

    wont be very good for kickoff but i could see them being around the dfm level for regular season this is obviously a budget roster

  8. Global

    could be good also could be mid not sure what to think this might be my big blunder of my power rankings

  9. RRQ

    atp i dont know what it is about rrq they are just bound by god to be mid the off season confirmed this for me

  10. ZETA

    might be able to punch above their weight but i have no hope in this team being consistent

  11. Secret

    they dont even have a coach right now

  12. BOOM

    enjoy your 1 year of franchised :)


it's definitely a list


i agree






finally someone who puts ts as a bottom team

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